Jimmy Olsen Fan Club
Posts: 2
« on: August 22, 2005, 12:19:50 PM » |
Hello! This is my first post here. I'm from Croatia, and when I was a kid we didn't have many Superman comics, but there were some reprints of the seventies stuff (you know... the good stuff). Anyway, I remembered the first 2 stories I read when I was young, and was hoping to find them now. If for nothing else then for sentimental value. They were published in a magazine that reprinted a lot of American comics, but they never bothered to say which issue of which series they reprinted or who was the freaking writer. For example, Englehart & Rogers' Detective Comics stuff was credited with "written and penciled by Bob Kane". Like all things from my childhood I lost this magazine, so even if there was some clue to this stories (like the story titles, d'uh) is beyond me. Luckily, I was gifted with amazing capacity to remember unnecessary data, so I remember the plot to these stories fairly well. And if anybody here read them please tell me the numbers of the issues or story titles so I can track them down.
The first story deals with this female movie producer showing Lois Lane and Clark Kent around a movie studio where they plan to shot the Superman movie. She shows them some Superman statues they plan to use <insert Keanu Reeves joke> Clark senses some danger (or is just bored), and makes an exit. Apparently some meteor is falling on the studio, I can't remember that part. Well, Superman handles the meteor, but wants to make some check-ups on Lois, and the chick female producer. So he takes them to the Fortress of Solitude. There the movie producer makes all kinds of stupid things (she probably steals stuff, too). Then a giant monkey/Big Foot escapes from Superman's Zoo, so Superman (naturally) flies into him, and smacks him into a wall. Anyway, Superman accepts to be the stuntman in the movie, so anytime they need to shoot a scene with live-ammo being used in the movie they don't use the actor, but rather put Superman there. Unfortunately, Superman is not a great actor, since he doesn't show enough pain while getting hit by machine-gun fire. They unload rounds from AK-47, and he's cleaning his nails or something. Whatever.
Eventually, they shoot a scene where Superman prevents a tidal wave from obliterating Los Angeles, or some other city. Off course for this scene the movie crew actually creates a real tidal wave and sends it at unsuspecting tourists. Luckily Superman prevents it. Phew.
Well, as it turns out Producer Chick's mysterious financer is non other then Lex Luthor, this time having enough fashion sense to change from his prison uniform into something that's not purple and green (then again, the comic was B&W, maybe I'm wrong). Lex is overseeing the whole operation from his sailboat in the open sea. I can't really remember what was the point of Luthor's plan (diversion, April's fools, boredom), but Superman finds him and sends him back where he belongs. Prison.
The second story starts with Clark & Lois picking some hotshot sports journalist from the airport. Could be Steve Lombard. He has enough of a jerk-factor in him. So, Clark gets stranded with the baggage, while Lombard goes nagging Lois for free sex or somethin'. It seems that Lombard comes to Metropolis to investigate some kind of fishiness around the boxing championship match.
Apparently, somebody is fixing fights or something. So Steve does the logical choice. He knocks one of the two fighters unconscious, and decides to take his place. Smart move. The comic was in black & white, but it seemed to me that the fighter was black, so how was a white and blond Lombard planning to pull this off is beyond me. Well, Superman thinks it would be better if he were doing the fighting, so Clark "accidentally" opens the locker room door, and the door smacks right into Lombard's smug nose. So now Lombard is sleeping next to the fighter. Then Superman uses his super-disguise skills to make himself look like the fighter. Then the best part of the issue happens. He uses his super-strength to compress his uniform, belt, cape, and boots into a little square the size of a Post-it. Freaking amazing. I bet Superman keeps his entire wardrobe in a pack of Wrigley's. Maybe he even gives his dirty laundry to Lombard to chew. I love this guy.
Anyway, Superman goes to fight in the match. Off course he has to avoid getting punched by the other fighter, cause the guy's fist would explode on impact or something. Then Supes senses that somebody is using some kind of invisible ray on him, and that weakens him. He uses his x-ray vision, and sees some guy on the roof using some kind of laser. So Supes knocks the other guy unconscious, wins the Heavyweight title, makes his exit, and flies to the roof, and catches the villain. The End. Well, I'm sure there was some kind of epilogue where Lombard is making fun of Clark, but who cares.
Thanks in advance.