Last Son of Krypton
Posts: 301
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:31:36 AM » |
A multiverse (as i imagine it) in its entirety is a seemingly infinite collection of dimensional multiverses & temporal multiverses. a dimensional multiverse is a seemingly infinite collection of parallel universes. Parallel universes are separate entities from the beginning. A temporal multiverse is a seemingly infinite collection of divergent timelines/universes. Also a temporal multiverse starts out as one single universe. Over time that single universe splits/branches/diverges into the nigh-infinite collection of universes that constitute a temporal multiverse. I imagine that each universe in a dimensional multiverse is also part of a temporal multiverse & vice versa.
Imagine the possibilities of the multiverse our own real earth is most likely part of. For the moment let's just think about the "dimensional multiverse" facet of our multiverse. There could be hundreds (thousands, millions, or far more) "nearby" parallel universes that are identical to this universe, except for one minor detail. That "detail" could be the "rate" by which time "passes". If that rate/speed of time flow/passage is faster or slower by an infinitesmal fraction of a second, that other universe could be ahead of (or behind) us anywhere between days & millenia. Or that "detail" could be something like: DC never did Crisis. Or ended it differently. ; Publishers that went out of business here, are thriving there. The possibilities are infinite. Imagine that our entertainment industry (or just one company in that industry) had access to our multiverse. Imagine the movies they could make. The actor/actress you really want to use in your movie/tv show is deceased or simply too old/sick/disabled to play the part you want them for? Simple, recruit their younger healthier counterpart from earth-whatever.
John Martin, citizen of the omniverse.
Super Monkey
League of Supermen
Posts: 3435
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2005, 02:45:45 AM » |
"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened." - Elliot S! Maggin
Supermanica Council
Council of Wisdom
Posts: 1705
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 04:38:40 AM » |
The actor/actress you really want to use in your movie/tv show is deceased or simply too old/sick/disabled to play the part you want them for? Simple, recruit their younger healthier counterpart from earth-whatever. Yes, I am certain this would be the first application of the science of the multiverse on our earth. 
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Council of Wisdom
Posts: 1168
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2005, 05:48:35 AM » |
How about the possibilities for tourism?
I mean, it's probably still Ancient Rome somewhere, right? Who wouldn't want to visit that? Or Ancient Egypt or Greece or 19th Century Paris.
And let's not forget the possibility of Thailand-style sex tourism. Consider: somewhere, there's a whole universe of oily-bodied musclemen that all secretly long for chubby housewives.
It might also create a black market in goods and services that only exist on one earth but are exported elsewhere. For example, certain types of narcotics might only have evolved and grow on certain earths, and may be exported to others. Also, just like modern stoners make pilgrimages to Amsterdam where grass is legal, there are probably dozens of earths where drugs can be purchased over the counter.
Law enforcement can become problematic. Remember how Luthor from the Crime Syndicate's earth often went to Earth-1 and Earth-2 where he was a hero instead of a villain? Joe Blow the purse snatcher, if he's in trouble with the law, might high tail it to Earth-B ruled by the evil Gruto, Gorilla Emperor of Earth.
"Wait, folks...in a startling new development, Black Goliath has ripped Stilt-Man's leg off, and appears to be beating him with it!" - Reporter, Champions #15 (1978)
Action Ace
Posts: 417
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2005, 07:03:53 AM » |
Interesting topic. I've been developing a fan fiction centering on a parallel Earth to the current DC Universe, but it's been in temporal stasis since 1985. (Nearly all of Terra's major superheroes perished in the Crisis, and the stasis field generator was a desperate last-ditch attempt as the anti-matter wave swept in.) But discovering and freeing Terra is the EASY task.
Imagine a DC Earth realizing they have a little sister world (the current DC Earth is larger due to the Crisis merging of five Earths) where Ronald Reagan is still president, the Soviet Union is still the Evil Empire (and actually a stronger threat since the Red Army didn't bleed itself away in Afghanistan), and the personal computer revolution is barely getting underway. Would former Russian communists from Earth advise their Terran comrades so that the USSR doesn't crumble? Maybe by even proposing a first strike against the West? And might not terrorists on Terra be inspired after learning about 9-11?
High tech Earth corporations would vie for the right to peddle their wares on "backward" Terra, depriving Terra's infant Silicon Valley its rightful rewards. Twenty years worth of movies, television shows, recordings and videos could flood Terra, inflicting substantial harm to the native entertainment industry. While Terra's busy rebuilding after the Crisis, how can authorities admit needed aid and relief supplies, and keep "contraband" out? Especially when envious Terrans see Earthlings enjoying the "good life" of the 21st Century?
There would also be popular demands on both worlds for "family reunions". If there is a substantial percentage of identical people (aside from age differences) on Earth and Terra, human curiousity will be overwhelming. How will the Immigration Department cope?
And there would be others who see Terra as "The Land of Opportunity". Earth supervillians weary of the glut of heroes would find relatively unprotected Terra ripe for the picking. And there may be a few evil masterminds who might manipulate Terran leaders into a devastating world war, then swoop in like vultures in the nuclear aftermath to claim vast resources for Earth.
For these reasons and more, protecting Terra during this vulnerable time will be a major challenge, especially if it results in a conflict of loyalties. If an Earth hero objects to (for instance) Earth's one-sided trade policy towards Terra, is he merely trying to protect Terra's interests or is he a traitor to his home planet? And what it this ultimately degenerates into "Our Worlds at War"?
Last Son of Krypton
Posts: 301
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2005, 01:56:58 AM » |
Ever wonder what it would be like if some defunct publisher (like: Charlton; Fawcett; Harvey; Dell; Gold Key; Atlas/Seaboard; First; etc.) were still in business? Just go to a "nearby" parallel earth where they never went out of business. Also there could be an earth where Big Bang Comics is that earth's DC Comics. Have a favorite old tv series that was cancelled years ago? There is most likely a "nearby" earth where that program is still being produced.
Of course there would also be earths where history is radically different from here. Different nations & empires than in our history. Earths where humanity never evolved. Or where the dinosaurs continued to evolve to now. Earths where another sentient species evolved instead of man. The possibilities are truly infinite. Another thought earths without humans or any other sentient species, but with the same natural resources as here. Like oil, coal, & natural gas deposits. That alone would make such a venture (exploring the multiverse) worthwhile for anyone (individual, company, or government) who finds a way to do it.
John Martin, citizen of the omniverse.
Supermanica Council
Council of Wisdom
Posts: 1705
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2005, 11:23:37 PM » |
Ever wonder what it would be like if some defunct publisher (like: Charlton; Fawcett; Harvey; Dell; Gold Key; Atlas/Seaboard; First; etc.) were still in business? I could get that Gold Key Thundarr the Barbarian comic?
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Last Son of Krypton
Posts: 301
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2005, 02:58:14 AM » |
A Gold Key "Thundarr the barbarian" comic is something i would have loved to read.
How would intellectual property rights laws (patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc.) work in a world where we have access to the entire multiverse? :?: :shock: Imagine this; you are an interdimensional comics distributor. Could our earth's Marvel block you from supplying stores with Ultraverse titles from an earth where Malibu Comics is a thriving still-independant company? Or could our DC Comics Inc. block you from supplying those stores with Fawcett, Quality, & Charlton titles from earths where those companies are still in the comics industry?
John Martin, citizen of the omniverse.