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Author Topic: Thoughts & what ifs about a theoretical Real Multiverse.  (Read 28042 times)
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« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2005, 04:58:08 PM »

Quote from: "llozymandias"
Well if the reality of the multiverse were legally & scientifally proven (to almost everyone's satisfaction),  the "top brass" at DC could deny it all they want.  Nobody would care what DC's opinion was.  It would be funny though; everyone sees proof positive of infinite parallel universes, divergent timelines, inter-dimensional travel, & even eventually time travel;  Then DC starts screaming how there is only one universe.  The guys at DC would find themselves lumped in with "flat-earthers", "holocaust-deniers", & other fringe kooks.

Quote from: "JulianPerez"
As a member of the Flat Earth Society, I object to that remark most strongly.  Cheesy

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Council of Wisdom
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« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2005, 12:34:04 AM »

Aldous' point is well-taken, and having just re-read the Superboy story he is talking about, its gets very obvious that if multiple realities are born of quantum effects every microsecond over 15 billion years the math knocks you out...there was an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where multiple Enterprises broke through a rift in space, some from universes where the Federation is almost destroyed etc.  The far more likely reality is that practically every other mathematical universe would have no Federation or even, necessarily be made up of more matter than anti-matter...

I love multiple universes, but talk about continuity problems...
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2005, 12:41:28 AM »

The multiverse idea is far too big to really be done justice by anything i can post.  It's just that this concept is one of my favorite things to talk, read, & think about.  If i had the means to traverse & explore the multiverse,  my main reason (for doing it) would be to learn about as many of the earths/universes in the multiverse as i can.  I would have other reasons for exploring the multiverse.  I would have an inter-dimensional comics collection, among other things.  I would create an inter-dimensional company or conglomerate.  Anybody who would traverse the multiverse in order to find their "own perfect conditions",  would never be satisfied.  No matter how close things might be to what they are looking for, there will never be a perfect match.  A life with no challenges would be super-boring.  Of course something as infinite as the multiverse would provide more challenges than we could imagine.  Meeting one's own counterparts would be one of the more interesting possibilities.

   Btw  Gangbuster isn't it Htrae that is square? :lol:  :wink:  :lol:

John Martin, citizen of the omniverse.
Council of Wisdom
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Silver Age Surfer

« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2005, 04:43:31 AM »

I hear ya brother... Cool
Supermanica Council
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« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2005, 05:36:22 AM »

I remember an old article (Atlantic Monthly, circa 1980s?) that characterized the multiverse/quantum physics as a perfect future religion because it allows all of us to imagine that somewhere, in another universe, we are better off.

The guys at DC would find themselves lumped in with "flat-earthers", "holocaust-deniers", & other fringe kooks.

And they aren't already? Cheesy   Okay, maybe not holocaust deniers --but what would you call the wanton desctruction of untold billions of lives (albeit in fictional universes), followed by an editorial fiat not to discuss this destruction or the lives lost (ie, Supergirl; Mr and Mrs Superman)?

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« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2005, 07:11:43 AM »

Quote from: "llozymandias"
Imagine the possibilities of the multiverse our own real earth is most likely part of.  For the moment let's just think about the "dimensional multiverse" facet of our multiverse.  There could be hundreds (thousands, millions, or far more) "nearby" parallel universes that are identical to this universe, except for one minor detail.  That "detail" could be the "rate" by which time "passes".  If that rate/speed of time flow/passage is faster or slower by an infinitesmal fraction of a second, that other universe could be ahead of (or behind) us anywhere between days & millenia.  Or that "detail"  could be something like:  DC never did Crisis.  Or ended it differently. ; Publishers that went out of business here, are thriving there.  The possibilities are infinite.

If you don't mind using a RPG aid look at GURPS Infinate Worlds (a list of about every non-licenced alternate world mentioned in GURPS to date can be found at the GURPS Wiki site).

Imagine Superman fighting for the American way on Gernsback an Earth that thanks to Telsa in 1965 rivals the technology of his own Krypton but socially is in the 1890's or Wonder Woman in Roma Aeterna an Earth that in 1893 is dominated by the Roman Empire. How about GL Hal Jordon on Merlin-1 a 2002 Earth where magic has actually worked since 1945.
Council of Wisdom
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« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2005, 09:42:28 AM »

All of this assumes we choose to limit ourselves to universes that are basically like our own earth.

Some can have radically different laws - like where air is heavier, so that it is possible to construct types of vehicles that roll on air. Or perhaps one where things are lighter - space missions and other technology would require breatheable air from earths where air is very, very light to save space.

Also, it is likely that alternate earth travel facilities would be based in orbit, and if you do jump "blind," it is done with a spacesuit - who's to say that earth occupies the same space in every universe? And it is likely that exploration of alternate universes would be done by probe only. Sure, this isn't as sexy as Biff McBeefchunk, rugged temporal explorer, but doing otherwise would be downright insane. Some universes may have such high background radiation that just popping into them causes a Chrononaut to be fried like a chicken tender.

And who's to say scale is constant across all earths? You can beam yourself to an earth exactly like ours except the entire world is giant, and all the human inhabitants are, to us, 120 of our feet tall.

Here's the downside: if the technology to explore the infinite earths exists, there are already an infinite number of earths where this technology has been developed already. Which means an infinite number of hostile beings with conquest on their mind can create empires, not in space, but through universes.

Particularly evil and ambitious people can rectify their mistakes by meeting with assorted versions of themselves from related alternate realities. Remember from Roger Stern's Avengers, the "Council of Crosstime Kangs?" Of course, it would also mean that the Good Guys also can form maybe things will even out.

"Wait, a startling new development, Black Goliath has ripped Stilt-Man's leg off, and appears to be beating him with it!"
       - Reporter, Champions #15 (1978)
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2005, 12:59:30 AM »

For many people meeting their counterparts could be a very negative experience.  For one thing they might see themselves as others see them.  Also how many people would want to meet a counterpart who has lived a better more successful life? :twisted:  

    There are most likely many universes with laws (of physics) that are radically different from those in our universe.   The ideal method (of travelling between universe) would include some way of observing/studying your destination.  Time travel is not involved in my scenario,  so i would not call inter-dimensional travellers "chrononauts".  Also it could be that the technology needed to traverse & explore the multiverse is so hard to develope that few if any have done it yet.

   I am aware of GURPS's infinite worlds rpg.  I doubt that Gernsback in 1965 would anywhere near Krypton in technology.  The scientist/inventor you are thinking of was named Nikola Tesla not Telsa.

John Martin, citizen of the omniverse.
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