Not only do I more or less agree with the post, but it got me to look up the Whizzer, who it seems was a fine enough character in that he got a transfusion from a mongoose and was a functional GA character...
2 new thoughts on this topic:
1. I just saw Kung Fu Hustle on dvd and it blew me away, going to the top of my 10 best Superhero Movies immediately. I'd urge everyone to see it. Don't be dissuaded by the Kung Fu trappings: it is a really original and thrilling epic, hilarious and beautiful. It makes you feel good about the potential of film. Really. And it is a real superhero movie. Really.
2. Picked up some Alan Moore comics at a yard sale this weekend (Promethea, Tom Strong, Top 10). Thought, for 50 cents each, it's about time I read more of these (I read some of them on the rack when there was a buzz about them 10 years ago). Anyway, the big joke in Top Ten, Moore's version of Hill Street Blues starring superheroes, is that one of the illegal rave drugs used by superhero teens is Mongoose Blood, used to dance at super-speed, invisible to the naked eye (luckily I read the Invaders/X-Men/Avengers as a kid, learning my Whizzer lore). Lots of great, cute, comics in-jokes. Top 10 was probably the best of the bunch, although I like some of the idea of Promethea and the idea of Alan Moore as a Shaman. (but seriously ...?)