Two, please have you or someone else do the comics science and powers instead of him. He doesn't do very well in that area -- If you've seen my criticism posts on that you know what I mean. Heck, you're a bright guy obviously much more qualified than I am so I'm sure you've noted the same things.
I've been refraining from responding until now, but I have a confession to make.
It's all
MY fault. Blame
Geoff Johns and I grew up in the same neck of the woods -- Clarkston, Michigan. We went to the same high school and probably shared a few of the same science teachers. An "idealized" rendition is Clarkston, MI is documented in THE THING: FREAKSHOW (the Kree/Skrull invasion part is pretty accurate, but the bit about cows in Clarkston is bogus... he was probably referring to nearby Ortonville). Geoff was a waiter at a place I would go to every once in awhile with my girlfriend at the time, before she became a psycho hose beast ex-girlfriend.
I should have recognized the spark of comic book greatness that was within him! Instead of tipping him with dollar bills, I should have left him little notes like: "Know and love superstring theory, for it will help you to put Superman's powers in a rational framework." In hindsight, it's clear I should have intercepted him before he did the excreable thing of going to the church of Richard Donner and learning <shudder> storytelling! But NOOOoooo... instead I simply tipped him 15-20% and never bothered to nip his bad pseudoscience in the bud, and now poor victims like Captain Kal have to suffer for it.
I beseech forgiveness!!!
And on a serious note for Kurt... if there's anything I'd want you to use your influence on Geoff Johns over, it'd be to see if he could dig up Tom Manciewicz and see if he's interested in writing Superman. Besides being the script doctor for the Superman movie, he also wrote Hart To Hart, one of the few adventure shows about happily married people that didn't suck. He'd be ideal for the Clark + Lois relationship, assuming that's not part of the status quo that you're going to mess with in that 8-part story arc.