I also have a cutting here from METRO (the free daily newspaper of the London Underground) dated 20 July, 2005.
An article about HAL-5 also ran in
The Times.The photographs show a diminutive and very skinny man wearing a sleek white exo-skeleton.
It won't make you invisible, superstretchy or turn you into a fireball...
Yes, the FF are all over the place here at the moment...
...but it will make you feel superhuman.
This robot suit can make you twice as powerful and perform remarkable feats of strength.
When Hybrid Assistive Limb 5 is strapped on, its sensors detect nerve signals sent from the brain when the wearer tries to move and starts up its motors.
Users can lift more than double the weight they can without it.
People who could barely manage an 80kg leg press pushed 180kg with it on.
It has been developed in Japan by Yoshiyuki Sankai, of Tsukuba University. "The big goal is to expand or strengthen the physical capability of humans," said Sankai, who plans to start leasing HAL-5 in Japan this year.
One of the pictures shows the skinny little man carrying bags of rice weighing 30kg.
Of course, one person who comes to mind is Tony Stark.
Bionics limbs, super-strong exo-skeletons.... None of this imaginative stuff from our childhoods is far-fetched -- it's merely a matter of time and technological development.