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Author Topic: Why glasses  (Read 15559 times)
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Genis Vell
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« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2005, 07:49:23 AM »

Kal-El is Superman.
But, we know it, he wears a mask: the human identity is the fake one, because he is before it all the superpowered being. But Clark knows that bein' a superhero makes him different from normal people, who can be afraid of him. So, he pretends to be a man, because he really loves mankind and he is glad and honorated to be similar to us.
Despite it all, don't forget that his Clark Kent identity is a mask, and he knows it very well.
Some examples:
- Pete Ross' son discovers his secret 'cause he hasn't shaver and other common objects in his bathroom.
- Clark never talk about his life. Or, at least, we never see him do this. Do you remember the story where Lois and Lana are about to die 'cause a rare virus? Clark remembers that the same happened to the Kents, then he thinks "And this is a grief which I'll never show to anyone" (more or less).
This means that Clark doesn't consider really important whatever happens to him. He is worried for us, so he can't lose his time thinking to his problems (this makes him a real benefactor, in my opinion). Then, in my opinion, he thinks that his fake human life doesn't deserve so much care for. This isn't a real existence,so why to worry himself?

Just my 2 cents (in €...!).

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« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2005, 04:28:19 PM »

Ah the age old debate of who is the real person, Clark, Superman, or Kal-El? They are sort of like the 3 legs of a platform (think barstool) supporting the whole weight of his life. While he might be able to adopt an other identity to replace any of the 3 legs the stool would only be repaired it would never be the same again.

Or to put it an other way, look at your own life, you were born, grew in to childhood went to school or learned a skill and became known as a writer, a doctor, a computer person, a lawyer or what not.

 Even though someone might call you Dr. So and So you still somebody’s kid, the best buddy in school as well as the brilliant doctor you mom is so proud of, they are all a part of you.  If you lost your certifications or memories of any of that you would still exist but you’d be different then you are right now, maybe not more or less but different.

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« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2005, 01:47:47 AM »

Yeah, there is no evidence that the "Kryptonian" Kal is not "human" in any noticeable way, moral sense, wanting to establish a career, sex would be silly to think that being raised as Clark Kent didn't mean he wasn't Clark Kent...
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« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2005, 04:26:19 PM »


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« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2005, 02:02:02 AM »

You have to wonder how Superman will disguise himself if science advances to the point of people no longer needing to wear glasses (or the need to wear them for long).

My Prediction: Clark will wear a visor. And what will his reasons for wearing the visor be? Easy, he'll claim that his eyes are very sensitive to all forms of light. Kind of like the real reason the Eradicator wore his visor during the "Death/Return" storyline.

Many people want others to accept their opinions as fact. If enough people accept them as fact then it gives the initial person or persons a feeling of power. This is why people will constantly talk about something they hate—they want others to feel the same way. It matters to them that others perceive things the same way that they do.
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« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2005, 01:21:03 PM »

Quote from: "NotSuper"
You have to wonder how Superman will disguise himself if science advances to the point of people no longer needing to wear glasses (or the need to wear them for long).

My Prediction: Clark will wear a visor. And what will his reasons for wearing the visor be? Easy, he'll claim that his eyes are very sensitive to all forms of light. Kind of like the real reason the Eradicator wore his visor during the "Death/Return" storyline.

Interesting point, NotSuper. Superman's been around for 60 years, and the first sixty years are always the hardest, so we ought to see Superman around for a good long time. Might be interesting to dust this post off years from now and see if you were right.

Though I don't know about the idea of glasses becoming obsolete. First off, laser surgeries are pretty spooky: hey, I read science fiction, I know what laser beams can do, and I'm not letting some quack zap me in the eyeballs. Nossir! And I'm sure a lot of people with visual defects feel the same way.

Plus, as a glasses wearer myself, I would continue to wear glasses simply because glasses make me look intelligent and distinguished, which is the sort of image I want to project to people that don't know me. Glasses are a style statement as much as they are a means of correcting visual problems.

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« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2005, 03:33:37 AM »

Quote from: "JulianPerez"

Though I don't know about the idea of glasses becoming obsolete. First off, laser surgeries are pretty spooky: hey, I read science fiction, I know what laser beams can do, and I'm not letting some quack zap me in the eyeballs. Nossir! And I'm sure a lot of people with visual defects feel the same way.

Plus, as a glasses wearer myself, I would continue to wear glasses simply because glasses make me look intelligent and distinguished, which is the sort of image I want to project to people that don't know me. Glasses are a style statement as much as they are a means of correcting visual problems.

Hasn't it come out that there is a problem with night vision among recipients of laser eye surgery?

Regardless, I wonder why one of Clark's friends never asks him why he doesn't get his friend Superman to perform laser eye surgery using his heat vision?  Sometimes it seems like Clark is the only person in Metropolis who wears glasses.  Cool

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« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2005, 07:32:27 PM »

Superman's explained in the past that he doesn't like to do personal favors of that sort for friends.  If one of his friends were in danger or seriously ill, Superman would help, of course.  

For instance, if Jimmy broke his leg, Superman wouldn't use his super-science to heal it.  He'd let Jimmy's leg mend on its own.  

So, I don't think that Clark would ever have to answer such a question beyond what I've pointed out.  Wink

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