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Question: Who is your favourite?  (Voting closed: June 12, 2005, 08:37:04 AM)
Joe Shuster - 0 (0%)
Wayne Boring - 0 (0%)
Curt Swan - 12 (80%)
Neal Adams - 0 (0%)
John Byrne - 3 (20%)
Dan Jurgens - 0 (0%)
Ed McGuinness - 0 (0%)
Jim Lee - 0 (0%)
Total Voters: 15

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Author Topic: Superman's best artist  (Read 16539 times)
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Genis Vell
Last Son of Krypton
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« on: June 12, 2005, 01:37:04 PM »

Who is your favourite Superman's artist. Mine is John Byrne. He draws Superman as I like to see him. When I'm thinking to Superman, the firts image I recall is the last page of MOS #1.

My list includes Swan, Garcia Lopez, Adams, Reis and Boring, too, but for me JB is #1.

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Genis Vell
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« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2005, 01:41:21 PM »

Sigh, there was the "other" option, too, but I suppose that we can't insert more than 8 options... Sorry.

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« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2005, 02:14:43 PM »

Curt Swan . natch with Wayne Boring a close 2nd.
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« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2005, 04:50:49 PM »

My personal List of Super Artists

Curt Swan
Wayne Boring
Kurt Schaffenberger
Al Plastino
Neal Adams
George Perez
Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez
Jack Kirby
Jim Mooney
George Papp

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« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2005, 09:18:54 AM »

I like:

Curt Swan
Wayne Boring
Kurt Schaffenberger
Al Plastino
Jack Kirby
Jim Mooney
George Papp
and Shuster

Neal Adams gets in solely on the virtues of Superman vs Ali!

Perez?  Other than some covers, JLA, Crisis, and maybe the odd story, what did he do?  What is the best Perez Superman tale?

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« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2005, 01:13:13 PM »

Curt Swan for reasons that will come as no surprise to anyone who's seen my tribute site:

And you'll find the rest of my "Hall of Fame" there, too.

I guess I'm not surprised to see some of my faves missing from your list, but I would have thought you'd at least include Alex Ross.  I'm still on the fence about his Superman, but the consensus in the fan community seems to be that it's great.  At the very least it's more famous than Jim Lee's.

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Genis Vell
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« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2005, 02:28:50 PM »

Quote from: "nightwing"
Curt Swan for reasons that will come as no surprise to anyone who's seen my tribute site:

And you'll find the rest of my "Hall of Fame" there, too.

Swan had a great good quality: he was able to adapt his style to the times.
When he began drawing Superman in 1953 with the SUPERMAN 3-D one shot, and during the whole Silver Age, he drawn with a classic style, without splash pages or various excesses. Then, he staied aboard during the Bronze Age, and changed his style: more dynamic, modern... But always polite (his faces were great... Every good character seemed an old friend). A few other artists could do the same, in my opinion.

I guess I'm not surprised to see some of my faves missing from your list, but I would have thought you'd at least include Alex Ross.  I'm still on the fence about his Superman, but the consensus in the fan community seems to be that it's great.  At the very least it's more famous than Jim Lee's.

It's not my fault! I couldn't add other options! I have put the "others" option, but the poll didn't insert it. Maybe can't we put more than 8 options?

Captain Marvel - Italian Earth-Prime Superman'll be a job for Superman!
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Semper Vigilans

« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2005, 04:30:33 PM »

I didn't mean you had to include poll is that big!  But given only 8 choices, why would you include, say, Neal Adams -- who only did one full-length Superman story in his career -- or Jim Lee, but not Alex Ross, whose version is considered a new standard?

But then life is seldom fair.  Else why would we have a Jim Lee-style Superman action figure, a McGuinness figure and two Ross figures, but no Swan?

Anyway if I'd been the one starting this poll, you'd be the one yelling...because John Byrne would not have been a choice!

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