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Author Topic: Krypto questions  (Read 3304 times)
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Jimmy Olsen Fan Club
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« on: May 20, 2005, 05:24:47 PM »

Hi all.  I was hoping someone could answer a few questions for me.

The Krypto incarnation that is in the current Superman comics appeared in 2004 I think.  Does anyone know what Superman comic he first appeared in?  I'm looking for that run.

Also, back when the original Krypto disappeared, I believe it was near the time when Superboy was killed by the Time Trapper.  I vaguely remember a panel where Pa Kent is saying, "he's just a normal dog now."  Does anyone remember that?  What comic was it in and when?

The reason I can't remember when the original Krypto "retired" and what issue it was in is because 10 years ago my house burned down, taking 10,000 comics with it.  Arrgggghh!

Thanks for your help.  I love this website.
If you can answer my two questions, you get a Krypto doggie biscuit.

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« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2005, 06:13:54 PM »

The issue you mention, where Krypto "retires," doesn't count.  It's from John Byrne's run so it's post-Crisis.  Plus it's in the "Pocket Universe" so by definition it's not the "real" Krypto.

Anyway it would have been issue #8 of the post-Crisis run, I think.  Unless it was in one of the LSH issues that connected to this arc.

Can't help you with Krypto's return.  I'd given up long before that.

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« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2005, 08:22:59 PM »

I THINK the current Krypto is from the Phantom Zone. Loeb wrote this story, and it was a rehashing of the old Krypton II concept. But instead of "Krypton II" being a planet of Androids, it was a replica of Krypton's golden age that existed in the Phantom Zone, created by Jor-El.

In TPB form, this is "Return to Krypton."

"Trying to capture my wife, eh? That makes me SUPER-MAD!"

-"Superman", 1960

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