I remember really disliking the DC "stars" logo when it was introduced in the 70s ("The DC Line of Super-Stars!"). Even in an age of bell-bottoms and sideburns it seemed cheesy and lame.
Over time I got used to it but never did love it. That said, the new one's not much better.
I think the era I liked best was early Bronze Age, when they had no logo at all, just a tiny little "DC" they worked into logos for the individual books. Like this:

Back then I bought comics based on quality, not brand loyalty. These days I suppose they have to put a logo on the books because otherwise the offerings of DC and Marvel are nearly identical. In fact, I could use a few more helpful symbols. For example, the way most of these guys draw, it would be useful to have a big arrow that says, "This is a picture of Superman."