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Author Topic: The Euphor saga  (Read 4108 times)
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Genis Vell
Last Son of Krypton
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Posts: 262

« on: April 24, 2005, 09:21:49 AM »

Do you remember this trilogy appeared in SUPERMAN 380/382?
I n Italy it wasn't published, so I have bought the original issues some weeks ago (but I haven't found part 1).
Wow! One of the best stories from that period, written by Cary Bates and drawn by Curt Swan (covers by Gil Kane).
I really liked it, Euphor is now one of my favourite villains in Superman's Rogues Gallery, and I hope to see him again. Verheiden will introduce a post-Crisis version of Blackrock, and Master Jailer has already appeared during the "Ending battle" saga... Maybe Euphor will back, too.
A little question: when Superboy's mind was in Superman's body, Superman's mind was instead in his younger body in Smallville during the late '60s. Did "Superman/boy" appeared in the SUPERBOY comic book?

Captain Marvel - Italian Earth-Prime Superman'll be a job for Superman!
Johnny Nevada
Last Son of Krypton
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Milwaukee, WI

« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2005, 04:19:32 PM »

I have all three issues of this story, myself.

Superboy #38 (as referenced to in the first issue of the storyline) follows up on Superman's mind in Superboy's body; there, he deals with teenage Lex Luthor's latest plot.

Euphor hasn't appeared again after this story, to my knowledge. He seems as likely to appear again as Starshine...

Genis Vell
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2005, 05:34:46 PM »

Quote from: "Johnny Nevada"
I have all three issues of this story, myself.

Superboy #38 (as referenced to in the first issue of the storyline) follows up on Superman's mind in Superboy's body; there, he deals with teenage Lex Luthor's latest plot.

I'll search that issue!

Euphor hasn't appeared again after this story, to my knowledge. He seems as likely to appear again as Starshine...

I don't know Starshine. Where and when did he appear?

Captain Marvel - Italian Earth-Prime Superman'll be a job for Superman!
Johnny Nevada
Last Son of Krypton
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Milwaukee, WI

« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2005, 09:05:56 PM »

Starshine appeared in a 1980 storyline in "Superman" (which was a sequel to "New Adventures of Superboy" #5).

Summary of the story: Aliens grant Pa Kent the gift of being allowed to see what his son would be like in the present (years after his death) via arranging things as if he'd never died---which scares Superman (the only one to notice this oddity).

Meanwhile, the means the aliens used to do this inadvertently granted some hippie teenager named "Starshine" the power to gain anything he wants by saying "please." He uses this power to, among other things, make Superman take a "slow boat to China" (literally) and, biggest of all, make everyone in Metropolis over the age of 30 leave town (Superman, Lois, Lana, and several others in this story are 29, and they weren't affected).

(Considering I'm 29, and turning 30 this week, I don't ever recall calling a teenager a "young fella" like Superman did in this story... for that matter, wonder if people who are 30 on-the-dot would be considered as "over 30" [I'd vote "no", but...] and be affected by Starshine's order... ;-) ).

Genis Vell
Last Son of Krypton
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Posts: 262

« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2005, 08:03:21 AM »

Quote from: "Johnny Nevada"
Starshine appeared in a 1980 storyline in "Superman" (which was a sequel to "New Adventures of Superboy" #5).

Summary of the story: Aliens grant Pa Kent the gift of being allowed to see what his son would be like in the present (years after his death) via arranging things as if he'd never died---which scares Superman (the only one to notice this oddity).

Meanwhile, the means the aliens used to do this inadvertently granted some hippie teenager named "Starshine" the power to gain anything he wants by saying "please." He uses this power to, among other things, make Superman take a "slow boat to China" (literally) and, biggest of all, make everyone in Metropolis over the age of 30 leave town (Superman, Lois, Lana, and several others in this story are 29, and they weren't affected).


Action Comics #507 (May)
The Miraculous Return of Jonathan Kent! - The Return of Jonathan Kent - Part 1 of 2)
Cary Bates; Curt Swan & Frank Chiaramonte
Superman is shocked to find Pa Kent suddenly appear alive and well and visiting him in Metropolis. A young hippie has the power to have his commands granted.

Action Comics #508 (June)
"The Secret World of Jonathan Kent!" - The Return of Jonathan Kent - Part 2 of 2)
Cary Bates; Curt Swan & Frank Chiaramonte
Aliens, who were saved by Jonathan Kent many years before have repaid him by allowing him to spend 30 hours with his future son. A side effect was the empowering of Starshine.

Thank tou for the explanations! I didn't know that story.

Captain Marvel - Italian Earth-Prime Superman'll be a job for Superman!
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