The way that Peter David just killed of Supergirl is quite annoying... Every Supergirl dies from Something.... Can't she NOT have a Power down for once, i mean she made a version of the Superman adventures Costume for Pete's sake! Is Linda Still alive... Y'know the Fallen angel story arc well the main character is Lee .... i'm just wondering if that's her if not Bring MAE/Supergirl/Linda Danvers BACK..... that felt good:)
Well, PAD didn't kill off Linda. She just...went away. Though he never said so specifically, he DID hint heavily that people should not get hooked on the notion that Lee of Fallen Angel was Linda. (PAD just has a thing for angels, I guess :lol: ). I have personally thought that there was never any intent to have Linda be Lee...but by leaving the question unanswered, he could draw his Supergirl fans to the new book. worked....a good marketing move on his part.
As for bringing her back... uh...not for a while. Let the new Kara get started and then (if Linda is still in continuity) let her show back up ( long as she leaves the Matrix/angel-girl aspects out)...but as we've discussed on other boards, be prepared for differences...written by a new writer, she wouldn't be the same Linda.
As for her returning to be Supergirl...that ain't gonna happen. At best I would imagine she might make an occasional appearance in the new supergirl as a new hero with a new name. And I can see her as part of a another team...separate from the Super-family.
That is my imagination :lol:
What will probably be the sad reality is that Linida will never be heard from again.