Supergrl5013, when R'E'L first appeared in Supergirl One Million (November, 1998) she did not reveal her parentage, though she was obviously a Superman descendant. It was unclear how many generations had passed, since the DC One Million series happened in the distant future. But in the last Peter David Supergirl issue, #80 (May 2003), Ariella and R'E'L were connected as the same person. Now, it's unlikely that Peter David ever imagined R'E'L to be the daughter of Linda and an alternate Earth-1 Superman when he first created her, nor when R'E'L reappeared in "Sins of Youth". But as Supergirl faced imminent cancellation Peter David probably had a last-minute flash of inspiration and "tied up loose ends" by retconning both characters to be one and the same. (And since both were inspired by PAD's daughter Ariel, it made perfect sense -- after the fact.)
The story involving Mxy's "little bundle of joy" was Adventures of Superman #638 (May, 2005). a summary and review can be seen at"Lana Lane-Kent" is a POSSIBLE future daughter, so she technically should be classified with all the other "Imaginary Story' daughters of Lois and Clark. There's actually quite a few second-generation Supergirls, but most only made one appearance. I did find it somewhat amusing that Mxy would show Clark and Lois a daughter so soon after the Cir-El fiasco -- from what little we saw of Lana, I think she was "Cir-El done RIGHT". Perhaps she was a "wink" to the fans, showing that DC COULD make an appealing Clark/Lois superdaughter, and Cir-El was only a plot-driven aberration? :wink:
As for Birds of Prey, I cannot recall any crossover involving either Matrix or Linda, though Power Girl was a onetime Oracle agent before a blotched mission. PeeGee quit and carried bitter feeling towards Oracle for a long time. (This was before Gail Simone took on the Birds -- perhaps the tension between Babs and Karen is softening now.)