They all look very mean.
I have always wanted to see an HB superhero animal team, with the aforementioned HK Phooey, Atom Ant, Capt. Caveman, etc. But not this...
i agree with you on this one,,,They do look mean...but i saw the first episode was kinda weird and phsycadelic...but interesting..there were a few quotes that brought back some memories he says several different version of "What's up Doc?" during the episode..Bugs gets Laser Vision plus he sounds like a tough Brooklyn-ite/New Yorker...which is a first for me
,Lola Bunny gets Super hearing of some sort, the Roadrunner,obvoiusly, gets super-speed...but he doesn't say meep-meep. he just yaps alot.. Daffy gets teleportation abilities and Bugs/Buzz definitely picks on him a few times, Wile E. Coyote is the Tech Wiz, and Taz gets the most unusual one...i think its...wait a minute let me check ...he's,like, superstrong or something
got this following stuff from Bunny a.k.a. Buzz Team leader with laser and martial arts expertise
Daffy Duck a.k.a Duck: Weapons expert with built-in sonar
Road Runner a.k.a Roadster: Super speed
Taz the Tazmanian Devil a.k.aSpaz: Team muscle with jaws of steel
Lola Bunny a.k.a Lexi: Disguise expert with super hearing
Wile E. Coyote a.ka.Slick: Vehicles and surveillance; regeneration abilities