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Author Topic: The Sweetheart Superman Remembered?  (Read 7353 times)
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Kal's Pal
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« on: February 22, 2005, 11:23:57 PM »

Hi all, is it true Superman eventually was able to recall his romance with Sally Selwyn from 'The Sweetheart Superman Forgot'?  (Superman No. 165, Nov 1963)

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Osgood Peabody
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« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2005, 01:32:26 PM »

Yes - 4 issues later in "The Man Who Stole Superman's Secret Life" by Jerry Siegel and Al Plastino.

You can read a synopsis here - it's the second story in that issue:

That was the last of Sally Selwynn - she did not appear again.
Continental Op
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« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2005, 01:02:37 AM »

Sally almost had a chance at a comeback, but just missed it.

Awhile back I was reading an issue of ALTER EGO that was a tribute to Julius Schwartz. In it, Alan Brennert revealed that he wrote a script for Schwartz in the mid-1980s called "Whatever Happened to Sally Selwyn?".

Basically, Sally comes to Metropolis and meets Clark Kent, recognizing him as her dead sweetheart. Superman prepares one of those elaborate schemes to trick her that he always used to protect his secret identity from Lois or Lana, but at the last minute realizes he can't go through with it... not with Sally. Schwartz wanted Brennert to add more action scenes before he would print the story. But before it was finished, the pre-Crisis history was abandoned and Sally went with it.   Sad
Admiral Chew
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« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2005, 04:13:52 PM »

Quote from: "Continental Op"
Sally almost had a chance at a comeback, but just missed it.

Basically, Sally comes to Metropolis and meets Clark Kent, recognizing him as her dead sweetheart. Superman prepares one of those elaborate schemes to trick her that he always used to protect his secret identity from Lois or Lana, but at the last minute realizes he can't go through with it... not with Sally. Schwartz wanted Brennert to add more action scenes before he would print the story. But before it was finished, the pre-Crisis history was abandoned and Sally went with it.   Sad

That would have been great. I really wish that story had seen the light of day.
The Starchild
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« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2005, 07:22:52 PM »

Me too.  I wonder if there's any chance of ever seeing the script - or maybe getting DC to draw it up and publish it as a one-shot comic book.  Smiley

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« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2005, 07:53:00 AM »

Very interesting... I'd like to see how this story was resolved.  If Sally could see through Clark's disguise, could she also deduce that Clark is also Superman?   Would Clark "come clean" and explain exactly WHY he can't leave Metropolis, even though he still feels for Sally?  Or would Sally surprise Clark by NOT wanting to know his secret, unlike Lana and Lois?

I have to read the Sally Selwynn stories, but it seems Sally was in some ways the "Anti-Lois" or "Anti-Lana" -- an opposite personality who would have caught Clark completely off-guard after years of warding off first Lana and then Lois.  Sounds like a refreshing change -- too bad she didn't return prior to the Bryne reboot for a final "farewell".

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« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2005, 03:03:17 PM »

Quote from: "dto"
I have to read the Sally Selwynn stories, but it seems Sally was in some ways the "Anti-Lois" or "Anti-Lana" -- an opposite personality who would have caught Clark completely off-guard after years of warding off first Lana and then Lois.  Sounds like a refreshing change -- too bad she didn't return prior to the Bryne reboot for a final "farewell".

I dunno, I could be wrong but Sally sounds like a bit of a Mary Sue. There's a reason why Lois and Lana tended to give Supey trouble -- because that made their relationship interesting to read about. Show me a contented character and I'll show you a boring character.
Admiral Chew
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« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2005, 04:33:42 PM »

Quote from: "dto"

I have to read the Sally Selwynn stories, but it seems Sally was in some ways the "Anti-Lois" or "Anti-Lana" -- an opposite personality who would have caught Clark completely off-guard after years of warding off first Lana and then Lois.  Sounds like a refreshing change -- too bad she didn't return prior to the Bryne reboot for a final "farewell".

I agree that she was an anti-Lois/anti-Lana. She fell in love with Clark (or as he was calling himself while suffering with Amnesia, Jim) not Superman.

Lois and Lana were infatuated with Superman and wouldn't give Clark the time of day. At least in the early days. That changed a bit in the 70's and 80's.

Didn't Lana even date Clark seriously for a while in the early 80's?

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