another thread, TELLE writes:
Awhile back (like, 1996) I started taking notes after I read or re-read any post-64 Superman family title, with the idea of updating the encyclopedia. I would suggest that users of this site do the same and submit the results to Rao --an open-source-style project to rival the Wikipedia. As has been noted, none of the Superboy, Supergirl, Legion, Lois or Jimmy material was covered in the original edition. We could overpower the post-Crisis world-view through sheer quantity of information available!
If enough poeple express an interest in possibly participating in this possible project, I can look into setting up mediawiki -- that big dynamic database based multi-user updated thing that Wikipedia, Wiktionary, etc. all use.

Wow. This is the first time in my life someone has gone to such lengths based on a small suggestion I made (not counting that time 10 years ago when I proposed to my then-girlfriend).
Rao, you have already done so much, I don't know where to begin. I wasn't very familiar with the various online encyclopedias when I made my suggestion but one of the things that always bothered me was the general lack of documentation, something that plagues most info on the web --this is amplified by the open-access nature of the project. However, I trust classic Superman fans to follow the model to the letter, with the Fleisher example to lead us, issue numbers and dates included.
The new site looks good but I had trouble navigating. Is there going to be a browse function or at least an alphabetical index?