I created a website that will try to be non-profit to help guide people to reputable charities that help victims of natural disasters.
I used the black shirt with red pentagon with the S on the website.
I would like to receive information on how to stay out of legal trouble for using the logo on the site.
Any help anyone can provide to help me I would appriecate. (editing my mispelling for starts.)
I'm also producing a film to say thank you to all of people who came to the florida (most especially my city) to help us recover from the last hurricane season.
I'm a computer software engineer, and CG animator. As well as a pizza delivery guy for a red and blue logo company... named after a game played with black rectangular cubic shapes with dots on them.
I'm interested in finding other folks to help with writing and storyboarding at first.
The film will feature new incarnations of heroes and villians based on mythology from around the globe.
It will be a comedy with serious moments and with a message.
75% of the proceeds generated by the film will go to fund charities devoted to helping those in need. 25 will go to fund a new business I am trying to create to one day make more films. I will personally only recieve from this project the creation of a name for myself, something I can use to find work for my new film production company.
www.eyeonfilms.com (this site is underconstruction)
If anyone feels up to the task of helping me create this work, I would like you to contact me.
thank you for taking the time to read this.
and thankyouforthehelp.com
Jason Foote