here are my best pics of my favorite superhero. let me know what you think!
^this isn't my first superman fanart but, it is my best one at the time.
^i was inspired by the superman returns movie but, with a tweak or two. i still think i was an underrated movie.
^i suppose your wondering, "whoa. that yellow s-sheild is huuuugggge!!!!" yeah, that was the tweak i was talking about, before.
^i was playing with the costume concept as well a my new drawing style.
^i did not "draw this" i a traditional sense. but, photoshopped a few dragonball pics from a website. i forgot the website cause i googled it.
^i photoshopped this soley to see if tom wellling can play superman. i still say that christopher reeve is the
only man who can play the man of steel!