and scenes of dismemberment and rape than the other writers mentioned (Busiek again excepted).
Did you see the scene in Busiek's JLA where Ultraman flash-fries dozens of people? Those suckers were crisped to the bone.
The cynical part of me is thinking "yeah, well, that was Busiek, not Johns, so he gets Infinite Free Passes for doing the exact same thing Johns does."
and less prone to include ugly art
This statement needs to be re-evaluated. Grant worked on JLA with Howard Porter, whose style is defined by skeletal bodies and whose faces are always clenched, Rob Liefeld-style.
Again, the double-standard: only Johns's work need be judged if he is paired up with a bad artist.
[quote"TELLE"]It just seems, on balance, that Morrison's DC superheroes are generally more fun and upbeat [/QUOTE]
Have you read the issues where Morrison writes Plastic Man?
His spastic, pixie-stix fueled definition of "fun" makes me want to gouge my eyes out with x-acto knives. Quite like ASS, come to think of it - when did "fun" become a synonym for "annoying?"
Grant's "Jim Carrey" Plas makes Snapper Carr look like a paragon of usefulness and dignity.