Title: Facebook Deletes Superman Through the Ages! page Post by: Great Rao on May 08, 2022, 04:20:20 PM Yesterday, Facebook took our "Superman Through the Ages!" Facebook page offline.
I know this can happen when someone flags the page, I'm not sure if that is what happened in this case. The last post I made was on April 30, posting David Morefield's Neal Adams Wallpaper (http://supermanfan.nu/nightwing/artists/sm-nealadams.htm), in memorial of Neal's recent passing. This is what happens when automated corporate AI-bots take over the world. Here is our new Facebook page: https://www.supermanthroughtheages.com/facebook/ (https://www.supermanthroughtheages.com/facebook/) :s: Title: Re: Facebook Deletes Superman Through the Ages! page Post by: nightwing on May 12, 2022, 07:32:05 PM Facebook is a sewer and you're better off out of it.
Title: Re: Facebook Deletes Superman Through the Ages! page Post by: Great Rao on May 13, 2022, 10:00:23 PM True. But is it possible to interact with other human beings without it?
In my town, the schools, the police, the fire department, and the town offices all make their announcements on Facebook. Is school canceled due to inclement weather? Check Facebook. Is there a water main break in town? It is announced on Facebook. Town meeting livestream is on Facebook. Scout troop schedule and updates are posted to Facebook. etc, etc, etc. A very sorry state of affairs. Title: Re: Facebook Deletes Superman Through the Ages! page Post by: nightwing on May 14, 2022, 06:47:44 AM Same here. If there's any mysterious event in the neighborhood, my wife checks Facebook to see what it was. Our scout troop has a webpage, but it's rarely updated; my wife tells me what's going on because she saw it on Facebook.
90% of the blogs I used to enjoy are dormant or offline now because Facebook is easier for the owners, and reaches more people. Local businesses that once had to hire web designers to build them a webpage now just start a Facebook page. Meanwhile my typical web browsing session involves visits to less than five sites, and I'm the last to hear about anything. But hey, when there's something *good* to hear, maybe I'll regret the arrangement. |