Superman Through the Ages! Forum

Superman Comic Books! => Superman! => Topic started by: superboy on August 17, 2011, 08:43:38 AM

Title: Red sun radiation respiration theory ( wierd, I know )
Post by: superboy on August 17, 2011, 08:43:38 AM
I always wondered when I was young why in new superman comics, he has glowing red eyes. Although you automatically assume it's heat vision, ti seems to happen automatically, ie; in the new action comics 1, he has heat vision on when he's liting the boulder, superman 1, he has heat vision when catching the daily planet globe? So I thought of this theory.
                                         Red Sun radiationr respiration
Since all livning thing need to breath or respire, yet superman doesn't need to breath, he has to respire in another way. We breath in oxegyn and breath out waste carbon dioxide, yet superman takes in yellow solar radiation, what does he respire? The waste energy, red sun rays, is released, which explains why it happens when he uses alot of power, as he is using more energy.
If anyone has understood that at all, does anyone want to comment on my genius? heh heh

Title: Re: Red sun radiation respiration theory ( wierd, I know )
Post by: Adekis on August 17, 2011, 06:23:11 PM
This is similar to my "Werewolf Astronauts could survive on the moon because they photosynthesize in place on breathing" thing, but Superman, at least recently, has needed to breathe in space. He's been able to hold his breath for far longer than should be able to keep him alive (up to two weeks? I'm not sure) but perhaps he simply has a super-efficient respiratory system.

He hasn't been able to survive in space without breathing for several decades. And if he can survive in space without breathing, I prefer it to be "Because he's Superman and he can breathe in space" than any pseudo-scientific reasons, like I attach to werewolf astronauts.

Title: Re: Red sun radiation respiration theory ( wierd, I know )
Post by: Kal Kent 853 on August 19, 2011, 09:39:49 AM
urm....I thought recently, superman didn't need to breathe.

Title: Re: Red sun radiation respiration theory ( wierd, I know )
Post by: Adekis on August 20, 2011, 03:12:30 PM
Really? Most recently I've seen that kinda thing is in Superman / Batman, which is outside continuity. But you could be totally right.

I think I'm taking it too seriously.  It doesn't really matter as long as it's cool and it's believable.

Title: Re: Red sun radiation respiration theory ( wierd, I know )
Post by: Uncle Mxy on August 28, 2011, 08:18:15 AM
The glowy red eyes thing has been used to the point of obnoxiousness.

Heat vision used to be invisible, darnit.  :)