Superman Through the Ages! Forum

Superman Comic Books! => All-Star Superman! => Topic started by: Ruby Spears Superman on September 09, 2007, 07:24:21 PM

Title: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Ruby Spears Superman on September 09, 2007, 07:24:21 PM
 Since All Star is about letting certin creators do their own versions of Superman, I would love to see Neil Gaiman try his hand at it and have Brian Hitch draw it!  ;D

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Permanus on September 10, 2007, 02:00:47 AM
I was going to say that Darwyn Cooke would be nice when I remembered that I'm actually finding Superman Confidential a bit dull. As you say, Neil Gaiman would be interesting (perhaps he could adapt the run he started on Miracleman way back). I'm enjoying Brian K Vaughan's Ex Machina too; he might have a fresh perspective on Superman.

Of course, the person I'd really like to see let loose on Superman is me, because I'd be able to indulge in all the superstuff I like and no-one could stop me.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Ruby Spears Superman on September 10, 2007, 08:43:37 PM
 I think we all would love a shot at the big guy ourselves, I personally have an origin sequence in mind that I really wish I could get published. Maybe I should have asked what YOU would do if you could re-invent Superman.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Permanus on September 11, 2007, 03:12:36 AM
They'd probably never let me do it, not least because it would involve Superman breaking the law in order to save a section of the Amazon forest from getting turned into pasture, a Superman clone losing his powers and turning into a depressive, overweight slob, and Streaky the Supercat as the hallucination of a delusional alcoholic.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: JulianPerez on September 11, 2007, 07:08:12 AM
If you asked this question two years ago, my answer would be one name: Kurt Busiek.

Other than him, there are a lot of people I'd love to see take on Superman in an All-Star context.

Alan Brennert, for one. Anyone that's ever read a Brennert story knows exactly what I mean.

It would be interesting to see what Paul Levitz would do. It was a sad day when that guy was bumped upstairs. Paul Levitz's Legion had these huge, old-school giant stories and subplots, combined with excellent characterization. The guy's a big fan of classic Superman.

There have only been a couple of times where Steve Englehart did Superman (in his JLA and DC COMICS PRESENTS...three times if you count Hyperion from Squadron Supreme) but that was enough to get me curious about what he'd do. One thing I always loved about Englehart's Superman was he had such a definite, strong view of the character: he was conservative (with a little "c"), a very proud person with absolute and supreme self-confidence (perhaps even overconfidence), and distinctly and explicitly alien and aloof from Earth culture.

How about Jim Starlin? He'd bring a big, space opera sense to the proceedings.

As for artists...

Amanda Conner had such a wholesome style entirely appropriate for adventure comics. Her Superman would be dynamite!

How about Richard Levins (post-Byrne SHE-HULK, FEMME FORCE and AWC)? One thing's for sure, the guy'd draw a dynamite Supergirl and Lois Lane!

I don't think the guy even works in comics, but still...wouldn't it be great to see a Michael Whelan Superman cover?

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Super Monkey on September 11, 2007, 01:30:46 PM
humm... who knows. But I would like to see Art Adams draw another Superman story, even if it is only one issue. Last one was the Action Annual.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Continental Op on September 11, 2007, 10:36:51 PM

Amanda Conner had such a wholesome style entirely appropriate for adventure comics. Her Superman would be dynamite!

On the other hand, she did draw THE PRO... (

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: TELLE on September 12, 2007, 12:17:32 AM
That is a pretty funny article --a corner of modern comics I've never even heard of.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: DBN on September 12, 2007, 12:27:47 AM
Len Wein perhaps?

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: carmine on September 12, 2007, 08:38:00 PM
Eliot S! Maggin.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Permanus on September 13, 2007, 03:52:22 AM
Maggin's too busy running for office - but you're right it would be great to see him back.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: carmine on September 13, 2007, 08:42:47 PM
Hey if Fred Thompson can be on Law and Order and run for president, Maggin could at least write superman.

Actually it could be cool if they got Maggin and Bates back together. Seems like Elliot still has a real "feel" for supes and can still write (well I liked Kingdom Come the novel more than the comic)

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Sword of Superman on September 14, 2007, 07:06:01 PM
For a new twist on the character Millar,for something fun Giffen,for something that looks like classic Meltzer.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Ruby Spears Superman on September 14, 2007, 09:34:32 PM
I think I read somewhere that Frank Miller wanted to do a Superman gig. Of course knowing him, he would graphically show the deaths of each individual Kryptonian and Superman would suffer survivors guilt or some other dark thing. :D

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: India Ink on September 15, 2007, 12:20:46 PM
All Star Superman is sort of what I hoped would happen for Superman in the post-CoIE period--in that I wanted both Superman and Batman to have a dedicated series on a Vertigo level by one creative team that could boldly go where no other series could go (unafraid of censorship)--while at the same time a general interest series continued and maybe a kid friendly version would also be on hand.

So to that end, I'm hoping Morrison will continue (with Quitely who is becoming a better and better Superman artist--although the colouring/inking detracts from the work) and I wouldn't want All Star to be a round table of creative teams and their arcs, the way Legends of the Dark Knight used to be.

That being said, it would be nice to have Elliot Maggin or Martin Pasko back on Superman. Alan Moore would be good--but that aint gonna happen. Gaiman has shown an interest in the Man of Steel and could probably do a good job (but the Sandman series was really his adaptation of the Weisinger era Superman, so there's nowhere for him to go that he hasn't all ready gone).

But I'd really like to see Alvin Schwartz have a kick at Superman again. Or at least have his book, An Unlikely Prophet, adapted as a comic book series. The most obvious artist for this would be Alex Ross--but I'm growing weary of photographic realism in what are supposed to be comic books--so I'd rather see an artist who could evoke the work of Wayne Boring and Al Plastino and the other early artists who used to illustrate Schwartz's stories.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Superman Forever on September 15, 2007, 11:20:14 PM
I think the All Star Superman book is kind of redundant or lacking a purpose after Morrison. There´s already a Superman book with rotative crative teams, Superman Confidencial. And more to the point: The marketing of the All Star book were based on iconic stories with the greatest creators associated with the character. We already have thar in the montlhy books right now. Elliot S! Maggin, Cary Bates and Matin Pasko are revered by pre-Crisis fans, not best sellers authors. Not in comics, anyway. Mark Millar would be the logical choice, but the All Star line will be very old news when he leave Marvel, and with this odd new Multiverse, it´s not much different from writing in the regular series. 

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Superman Forever on September 15, 2007, 11:24:06 PM

Gaiman has shown an interest in the Man of Steel and could probably do a good job (but the Sandman series was really his adaptation of the Weisinger era Superman, so there's nowhere for him to go that he hasn't all ready gone).

Can you please elaborate on that? I´ve never read something along these lines from either Sandman fans or Superman fans, and I´m very curious. I enjoyed Gaiman team-up Superman/Hal Jorndan special...

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Uncle Mxy on September 16, 2007, 06:05:58 PM
I'd love to see Tom Mankiewicz revisit Superman.  Since he's not from the comic book genre exactly, team him with an artist/writer like Alan Davis.

Warren Ellis teamed up with Garcia-Lopez would be another cool option.

Throw Joey Fatone, Shaq, Jon Bongiovi, Jerry Seinfeld, and Kal-El Cage's father in a room together and see if they can come up with a credible story.  It'd be just like the '90s, but All-Star.  :)

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Ruby Spears Superman on September 16, 2007, 07:27:29 PM
 Kal-El Cage, I feel sorry for that poor kid. For the rest of his life, he's going to have to explain what his name means to non-Superman experts.  :(

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: jamespup on September 16, 2007, 09:00:28 PM
I am always pleased that even among non-fans, people know details

His secret identity, where he works, his boss's name, his co-worker's names

His Kryptonian name , in non-Superman-fan land, is less known than his Father's name

Thank Brando and Seinfeld for that

Cage should have gone with just plain old  Kal

Though who am I to say, I have a friend whose first and middle name is Bruce Wayne

and has NOTHING to do with Batman, supposedly they "noticed" later

Hew was born in '58 or so, so I tend to believe it

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: India Ink on September 17, 2007, 11:59:49 AM

Gaiman has shown an interest in the Man of Steel and could probably do a good job (but the Sandman series was really his adaptation of the Weisinger era Superman, so there's nowhere for him to go that he hasn't all ready gone).

Can you please elaborate on that? I´ve never read something along these lines from either Sandman fans or Superman fans, and I´m very curious. I enjoyed Gaiman team-up Superman/Hal Jorndan special...

I first started seeing the similarities during "A Game of You" where some alternative version of Bizarro Superman is mentioned and shown.

Once you start looking for them, the parallels seem to be everywhere.

First there's the Sandman himself--Morpheus--who is super-powerful a la the god-like (sometimes) Superman. He has girl friends (and problems with a few who pester him and go through transformations--and at least one from his past who is a great regret). And he has that kind of noble, weight-of-the-world aspect that Superman had.

There's a vague feeling of a world that Morpheus came from that is now gone.

He has a "Fortress of Solitude"--with many souvenirs of his past adventures inside it--including a bottle city. The Dreaming itself is a kind of Phantom Zone.

Superman had his cousin Supergirl to turn to and talk to, Dream has his sister Death to turn to and talk to.

There's a legion of super-pets in Superman and super-familiars in Sandman.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: carmine on September 17, 2007, 06:42:46 PM
Jerry Seinfeld should write Superman. Those commercials were pretty funny and it seemed very "superman" even though he was kinda goofy in them (hey its a comedy, of course he's going to be goofy)

Maybe Jerry moves next door to Clark Kent. (get the artist from JLI. Kevin Maguire???)

Mark Millar wouldn't do ALL STAR becuase he said that he wants to "fix" the "real" superman. Plus he wants to write all 3 books every month.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: jamespup on September 17, 2007, 09:13:07 PM
Jerry Seinfeld AND Larry David should write it !

like McCartney and Lennon, much better together than apart

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: JulianPerez on September 19, 2007, 12:04:51 AM
Though he's not my first, second or third choice (that would be Busiek, Levitz, and Alan Brennert), nonetheless, it would be wonderful to see Gaiman do Superman.

He can work in the shared universe pretty well. That bit in Sandman was just about the only time the Martian Manhunter had ever been cool. And his current work in ETERNALS has been interesting reading, the best non-Kirby Eternals since Roy Thomas.

Anyway, I owe him for that really great date movie, STARDUST.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: JulianPerez on September 21, 2007, 02:23:05 AM
I would love to see Brian Bolland on Superman.

Actually, I'd love to see Brian Bolland on anything, ever.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: carmine on September 22, 2007, 06:54:56 PM
Brian Bolland is a must.

maybe even Art Adams

they can put on those artists who take forever to draw and put them on ALL Star (because its not really a monthly title)

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: AMAZO on September 22, 2007, 08:45:23 PM
I really love Alan Davis, and would love to see him on a monthly Superman title. He has done a little with the character, but never as the artist on one of the monthlies. i also wouldn't mind seeing a Ron Frenz Superman.

Title: Re: Who would you like to see do their own take on Superman?
Post by: Bill 9000 on October 03, 2007, 03:45:37 PM
I'd like to see Walt Simonson tackle All-Star Superman. After what he did for a failing Thor way back in the day, I bet he could work wonders as the writer and artist for Supes.