Title: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: Glammazon on June 01, 2007, 01:44:18 PM I still haven't seen the 1960 story "The 'Superman' From Outer Space," on this website at all. What the heck is taking so long?
Title: Re: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: Great Rao on June 03, 2007, 10:44:29 PM Gosh, I'm sorry. I'm sure it'll be up soon. You'd better check the site every single day.
Title: Re: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: davidelliott on June 04, 2007, 09:23:39 AM I gave up even having a personal website some time ago, due to the time and energy it takes to get it updated and all... I can't imagine all the time it would take to scan a comic book story, crop it, touch it up and post it on the site. OH! And work on K-Metal, too...
Give the guy a break... Title: Re: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: Great Rao on June 04, 2007, 02:49:43 PM Sometimes the humor in a situation gets the better of me, hence my flippant response. The reason the story hasn't been scanned is because I haven't read it, I never knew about it, and I don't own it. In order for me to post a story, I have to like it and/or think that it ads something important to the legend. Since I haven't read this tale, I can't judge it. And since I don't own a copy, I couldn't scan it even if I wanted to. If you'd like to see it on the site, feel free to buy a copy and scan it then send the scans to me. A number of other people have done this in the past, adding some great stuff that I never even knew about to our collection of online tales.
Also, as has been mentioned in the site FAQ, Superman Through the Ages! is pretty much in "hold" mode as it has served its purpose. I'm not really updating it or adding much, aside from the K-Metal comic. So on second thought, even if you did send in scans of this story, they might just sit in my inbox. Title: Re: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: Permanus on June 04, 2007, 05:13:40 PM Hey! This isn't what I ordered! Take it back!
Title: Re: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: MatterEaterLad on June 04, 2007, 06:08:39 PM In the meantime, the original poster can learn more about the story at:
https://www.supermanthroughtheages.com/wiki/index.php/Hyper-Man Unless he/she already has the comic, and then its easier to read that than the story online. Title: Re: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: Super Monkey on June 05, 2007, 07:12:32 PM isn't it in one of the Showcase Superman books?
Title: Re: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: DBN on June 05, 2007, 09:11:52 PM Yup, it's in Volume 2.
Title: Re: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: JulianPerez on June 07, 2007, 08:26:14 AM The title of the story is a little strange, though. "The Superman from Another Planet?"
Wouldn't that be...regular Superman? That's like calling a story "The Batman Whose Parents Were Killed!" Title: Re: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: nightwing on June 07, 2007, 12:54:43 PM No, it can't be the regular Superman. Check out the acronym for "Superman from Another Planet."
No way Kal-El is a SAP. Title: Re: The "Superman" From Outer Space Post by: davidelliott on June 14, 2007, 10:59:25 AM The title of the story is a little strange, though. "The Superman from Another Planet?" Wouldn't that be...regular Superman? That's like calling a story "The Batman Whose Parents Were Killed!" That was a good one, Julian! |