Title: The Earth-2 Superman is coming back? Post by: Sword of Superman on December 07, 2006, 02:32:15 PM Everybody must take a look over this!
http://www.newsarama.com/dcnew/JSA/JohnsJSA3.html It will be a hoax or a true thing? Title: Re: The Earth-2 Superman is coming back? Post by: alschroeder on December 07, 2006, 02:45:04 PM Since it's Johns, I think it's probably the real thing. I hope so, anyway.---Al
Title: Justice Society #1 Interview with Preview of Coming Year Post by: Michel Weisnor on December 07, 2006, 02:45:48 PM Spoilers
http://www.newsarama.com/dcnew/JSA/JohnsJSA3.html Spoilers!!! Coming Attractions http://www.newsarama.com/dcnew/JSA/JSA01_final.jpg Title: Re: The Earth-2 Superman is coming back? Post by: DBN on December 07, 2006, 07:43:13 PM Another Earth recently showed up in the latest issue of the Flash. It was where the Flashes took SB Prime during IC and currently where Barry Allen, Wally West and his family, and Max Mercury are residing. This Earth also has an alternate Jay Garrick as well. Seems the glimses of the future provided in JLA #0 are paying off.
Title: Re: Justice Society #1 Interview with Preview of Coming Year Post by: davidelliott on December 08, 2006, 02:31:21 PM Spoiler (like we haven't all looked at the post yet...)
I guess you can't keep a good Superman down! Title: Re: The Earth-2 Superman is coming back? Post by: Superman of America on December 28, 2006, 06:50:42 PM Another Earth recently showed up in the latest issue of the Flash. It was where the Flashes took SB Prime during IC and currently where Barry Allen, Wally West and his family, and Max Mercury are residing. This Earth also has an alternate Jay Garrick as well. Seems the glimses of the future provided in JLA #0 are paying off. Is this the Earth that Alexander Luthor & Superboy Prime were trying to create? Is this New Earth & not the current DC Earth? Title: Re: The Earth-2 Superman is coming back? Post by: Sword of Superman on December 28, 2006, 07:24:06 PM Another Earth recently showed up in the latest issue of the Flash. It was where the Flashes took SB Prime during IC and currently where Barry Allen, Wally West and his family, and Max Mercury are residing. This Earth also has an alternate Jay Garrick as well. Seems the glimses of the future provided in JLA #0 are paying off. Is not some kind of speedster paradise inside the Speed Field?Sorry for the question but i have not yet read Infinite Crisis. Title: Re: The Earth-2 Superman is coming back? Post by: Great Rao on December 28, 2006, 10:12:11 PM Is this New Earth & not the current DC Earth? I thought that the current DC Earth is New Earth.Title: Re: The Earth-2 Superman is coming back? Post by: DBN on December 29, 2006, 04:31:05 PM Another Earth recently showed up in the latest issue of the Flash. It was where the Flashes took SB Prime during IC and currently where Barry Allen, Wally West and his family, and Max Mercury are residing. This Earth also has an alternate Jay Garrick as well. Seems the glimses of the future provided in JLA #0 are paying off. Is not some kind of speedster paradise inside the Speed Field?Sorry for the question but i have not yet read Infinite Crisis. Nothing was shown during Infinite Crisis itself except for the Flashes taking SBP into the Speed Force and him breaking out. But, going by that last Flash issue, it seems that an new Earth 2 resides in the Speed Force. Title: Re: The Earth-2 Superman is coming back? Post by: Sword of Superman on December 31, 2006, 10:15:25 AM Another Earth recently showed up in the latest issue of the Flash. It was where the Flashes took SB Prime during IC and currently where Barry Allen, Wally West and his family, and Max Mercury are residing. This Earth also has an alternate Jay Garrick as well. Seems the glimses of the future provided in JLA #0 are paying off. Is not some kind of speedster paradise inside the Speed Field?Sorry for the question but i have not yet read Infinite Crisis. Nothing was shown during Infinite Crisis itself except for the Flashes taking SBP into the Speed Force and him breaking out. But, going by that last Flash issue, it seems that an new Earth 2 resides in the Speed Force. Title: Re: The Earth-2 Superman is coming back? Post by: Superman of America on December 31, 2006, 04:52:37 PM Could this new Earth be Earth Prime rather than Earth Two. I found this blog that gives an interesting take on where super-heroes go after they die.
http://anyeventuality.wordpress.com/2006/10/24/earth-two-is-dead-long-live-new-earth-prime/ Title: Re: The Earth-2 Superman is coming back? Post by: Great Rao on December 31, 2006, 06:17:52 PM Actually, to bring this full-circle, if you follow the last link in that link, you'll get to
another article (http://blog.newsarama.com/2006/10/11/infinite-rewrites-or-crisis-on-infinite-versions-of-dcs-major-crossover-series/) which explains how, even though you still see the Earth-2 Superman die in the IC hardcover collection, some new dialogue was added to make his apparent "death" more ambiguous. |