Title: Which Title for me? Post by: ProfGriffin on March 31, 2006, 01:17:51 PM Hello all...Prof Griffin here.
I have returned to the online world of Superman to do a little research. You see, I'm thinking about starting a Comic Book monthly subscription. A pull-service from my local comic shoppe. I have a minimum of 5 comics to reserve and I've already got my first two. The Batman Strikes! (For my son who loves all things Bat) Justice (I've got issues 1-4 and don't want to miss a single one) Now, I'll probably get an adult Batman title, as I'm really a fan of old Bats, but I want to expand my horizons a bit. In doing so, I decided to try a couple of titles that I never really explore. The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman? Maybe....but I KNOW I want to subscribe to a Superman Title. But which one? I did a review of all the latest issues and I must admit, I'm at a loss. This Infinate Crisis has just confused the heck out of me. I know of Earth 1 and Earth 2...(kind of)...but now it's all blending together. I just what I'm asking is this... What Superman Title would be the best one for a long-time Superman fan, but a first time Superman comic reader? Apparently Lois and Superman are married now, and I can handle that...but which title is the most...CLASSIC in terms of style, direction, and action? Which title is the best to get me into Superman and not confuse the hell out of me with various versions of Superman? Superman Action Comics? The Adventures of Superman In regards to everything I’ve read, the favorite for me is leaning toward All-Star Superman. Are there any other titles that Superman calls home? Title: Re: Which Title for me? Post by: Super Monkey on March 31, 2006, 01:35:59 PM The Adventures of Superman will go back to it's real name of Superman and the newer Superman title will be cancelled.
If you could only get one, I would get All-Star Superman since that one doesn't crossover or reference any other title and it is also the most like the real Superman books. It also has the best art and writing, IMHO. If you can afford it I would get all three, since Action and Superman are now heading in the right direction. Also don't forget to pick up the Showcase collections! :) Title: Re: Which Title for me? Post by: JulianPerez on March 31, 2006, 03:51:16 PM As much as I am really, really loving the Busiek/Johns current story arc in SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS, I would have to second the recommendation of ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, because the thing is, ACTION COMICS and SUPERMAN tell the same story, with part 1 published in SUPERMAN, part 2 published in ACTION, part three published in SUPERMAN...if you subscribe to only ONE comic, however, you would miss half the story, and it looks like Busiek and Johns have a winner cooking.
A-S-S, on the other hand, continues only its own story. Plus, I would imagine that A-S-S would be slightly cheaper to subscribe to, considering it is a bi-monthy comic, wouldn't it? Title: Re: Which Title for me? Post by: ProfGriffin on March 31, 2006, 04:13:10 PM Hmm, thanks for the recommendations.
I am leaning toward All Star Superman...but the idea of Action and Superman linking together appeals to me. The thing that does not appeal to me is the Crisis (on the only earth we were alllowed to use) - thank you Ambush Bug! Seriously, is it safe to re-enter the world of Superman? Can I pretty much figure out what going on? Is Jimmy Olsen still Jimmy Olsen? Lois and Clark are married.... Perry White still alive and still the MAN at the planet? What is Lex's status? Is he dead? A robot? A clone? president? Ok, I'll stop being so difficult...and make a decision. Thanks for all your help Title: Re: Which Title for me? Post by: Great Rao on March 31, 2006, 04:53:04 PM All Star Superman is a fantastic book. Why not read the first issue or two and see what you think?
Quote from: "ProfGriffin" The thing that does not appeal to me is the Crisis (on the only earth we were alllowed to use) - thank you Ambush Bug! Seriously, is it safe to re-enter the world of Superman? Can I pretty much figure out what going on? You can ignore crisis, it's not a factor in the books. Quote Is Jimmy Olsen still Jimmy Olsen? Yup. Quote Lois and Clark are married.... Yup. Quote Perry White still alive and still the MAN at the planet? Yup. Quote What is Lex's status? Is he dead? A robot? A clone? president? For that, you'll have to see Superman 650 and Action 837... :s: |