Title: PREVIEW IMAGE OF ALL-STAR SUPES#5 Post by: alschroeder on March 20, 2006, 10:11:58 AM Go to newsarma, at http://www.newsarama.com/WWLA06/DC/DCU_OYL.html ----there's our Clark, cowering BEHIND Lex Luthor, who's keeping Clark from being mauled. I wonder what Clark got jailed for---not revealing his sources? (Oh, it's half way down the page.)
Anyway, looks like another fun issue. I LOVE how the artist makes Clark look different, in posture and attitude, from Supes.---Al Title: Re: PREVIEW IMAGE OF ALL-STAR SUPES#5 Post by: JulianPerez on March 20, 2006, 02:55:02 PM You're so right about my main man Quitely; Clark Kent is clearly drawn almost like a different person. I have near infinite admiration for Curt Swan, and Curt Swan was able to do the same for Superboy - give him a sweater and glasses and so forth, there's no way anybody would ever guess that Clark is Superboy (though Swan's Superman looked just like his usual "good looking guy" only in a blue suit). But this, though, man, this looks great!
Though Clark Kent going to jail? Oh, boy. It's a good thing he's apparently friends with Lex Luthor. In the slammer, don't they use guys like Clark as currency? Not that I have much experience going to jail (thankfully, undertipping isn't a crime...yet) but don't you have to beat someone up the first day? Title: Re: PREVIEW IMAGE OF ALL-STAR SUPES#5 Post by: Super Monkey on March 20, 2006, 03:06:50 PM here is a direct link: http://www.newsarama.com/WWLA06/DC/ASSM_Cv5.jpg
Title: Re: PREVIEW IMAGE OF ALL-STAR SUPES#5 Post by: Klar Ken T5477 on March 20, 2006, 04:33:15 PM A possible homage to the old Swan-strated Superboy yarn "Clark Kent - Lex Luthor CELL MATES!"?
Only if Lex is robbing Pa Kent's store with mechano-marvels/ Title: Re: PREVIEW IMAGE OF ALL-STAR SUPES#5 Post by: Permanus on March 21, 2006, 05:53:30 AM Oh, I love the Cellmates story! Clark passing through that metal detector.
I suppose it must have been inspired by some contemporary film -- was there a Juvenile Detention Centre movie being screened at the time? Title: Re: PREVIEW IMAGE OF ALL-STAR SUPES#5 Post by: Klar Ken T5477 on March 21, 2006, 06:01:23 AM There were always JD movies in vogue altho that story has more in vogue with 1950s buddy prison flicks...