Title: Adventures of Superman - The Complete Second Season Post by: Super Monkey on December 28, 2005, 01:13:18 AM check it out:
http://www.coolcollecting.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=311 Title: Correction Post by: valdemar on December 28, 2005, 01:37:58 PM Quote • The First Lady of Metropolis -- Featurette about Noel Neill reprising her Superman and the Mole Men role as “Lois Lane” in the second season of Adventures of Superman; includes interviews with Noel Neill, Jack Larson, Gary Grossman and Jan Alan Henderson (RT 7:00) I can only assume that the error here is in the article, not in the featurette. Noel Neill was not in Superman and the Mole Men - she was reprising her Lois Lane role from the Kirk Alyn Superman movie serials. Title: Re: Adventures of Superman - The Complete Second Season Post by: Gangbuster on December 28, 2005, 02:34:09 PM "Panic in the Sky" is in season 2, isn't it?
I'll probably stop collecting these after the second season, because I fear the effects that color, and parent censorship, had on the show... Title: Re: Adventures of Superman - The Complete Second Season Post by: Super Monkey on December 28, 2005, 03:04:14 PM Quote I can only assume that the error here is in the article, not in the featurette. It seems that way, the person who wrote it got confused. Quote Noel Neill was not in Superman and the Mole Men - she was reprising her Lois Lane role from the Kirk Alyn Superman movie serials. I sure hope they get released some day. Quote "Panic in the Sky" is in season 2, isn't it? yes,... yes it is. Quote I'll probably stop collecting these after the second season, because I fear the effects that color, and parent censorship, had on the show... They get cheesy and silly, but still loads of fun, only the 1st season was serious, the 2nd started getting more light hearted, after that it's pure cheese. It is still worth getting, it's Superman after all. :D Title: Re: Adventures of Superman - The Complete Second Season Post by: Klar Ken T5477 on December 28, 2005, 04:22:01 PM Nothing like 20th century pirates and Mrs Superman in color! And folsk thinks 60s Jimmy Olsen stories are silly - love em all! :)
Title: Re: Adventures of Superman - The Complete Second Season Post by: King Krypton on January 29, 2006, 01:47:07 AM Some of the show's strongest episodes were during the color years. (Yeah, there were some stinkers...but there were stinkers in the black and white run.) "The Perils of Superman," "Divide and Conquer," "The Mysterious Cube," "Great Caesar's Ghost," "The Wedding of Superman"...all of them stand up with the best of the black and white run. And "The Tomb of Zaharan" is worth it just to see Noel Neill half-naked.
I wouldn't ignore the color years. Just skip the weaker episodes and enjoy the classics. That's what I do with the black and white shows. |