Title: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Jor-El on December 23, 2005, 05:33:03 PM Has anyone ever read Superman:Kal
I think its the greatest Elseworlds and Post Crisis Superman story, because it blends humour, tragedy and terror beautifully and its a great way of reinterpreting Superman's origin But they did push the boundary with Lady Loisse's rape and murder by Baron Luthor What do you guys think ??? Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: NotSuper on December 23, 2005, 06:39:59 PM Quote from: "Jor-El" But they did push the boundary with Lady Loisse's rape and murder by Baron Luthor What do you guys think ??? I didn't have a problem with it. It wasn't exploitive and it advanced the story. Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2005, 07:54:01 PM i liked speeding bullets.. but we didn't need him turning into superman in one page.
Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Permanus on December 24, 2005, 05:39:25 AM My favourite Elseworlds so far, perhaps because of the art, is the one from a couple of years back set in the late 19th century. Oh, I forget the title now, and I'm never going to be able to find it in the stacks of unsorted comics I have, but you know the one I mean: it was all World Fairs and dirigibles and stuff.
Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Anonymous on December 24, 2005, 12:43:45 PM red son is up there pretty high as one of the best elseworlds.
Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: dto on December 24, 2005, 02:43:14 PM I rather liked "Superboy's Legion", and it's a pity we didn't see a sequel.
If "DC: The New Frontier" is classified as an Elseworld, then I'd nominate it for top honors... ... along with "Superman: Secret Identity", of course. :wink: And while it's a crossover rather than an Elseworld story, the first "Superman vs. Aliens" was pretty good. I'd actually prefer that "Kara" to the present one so far. Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Jor-El on December 24, 2005, 02:58:15 PM Also i recommend The Superman Monster where Viktor Luthor recreates a patchwork man from an infant skeleton found in a birthing matrix, now i wonder where that came from................
Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Permanus on December 24, 2005, 03:09:10 PM Quote from: "dto" If "DC: The New Frontier" is classified as an Elseworld, then I'd nominate it for top honors... How could I forget that? I really loved that series, especially the portrayals of Hal Jordan and The Martian Manhunter. Man alive, that was good. Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Super Monkey on December 24, 2005, 03:50:41 PM DC: The New Frontier was the best one hands down. Nothing else comes close IMHO.
Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Genis Vell on December 25, 2005, 05:28:09 AM DISTANT FIRES and the GENERATIONS TRILOGY (and I own an original artwork from series 2).
Can SECRET IDENTITY be considered an Elseworld? It's one of the best comics I have read last year. Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: TELLE on December 25, 2005, 06:11:01 PM I second the New Frontier nod. I also liked World's Funnest.
Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: NotSuper on December 26, 2005, 09:48:38 AM New Frontier and Kingdom Come.
Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: lastkryptonianhere on December 26, 2005, 03:39:04 PM Created Equal - All males on earth die except Superman and Lex Luthor the female Justice League was well portrayed along with the way Luthor manuplated the situation.
Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Defender on December 26, 2005, 04:40:29 PM Yeesh, ask an easy question next time. . .
My favorite Superman-themed Elseworlds, in no particular order: Superman: Speeding Bullets. What would've happened if the rocket containing baby Kal-El had landed not in Smallville, Kansas but on the outskirts of Gotham City, and that kindly couple that raised him had been not the Kents, but the Waynes? Scary stuff, that's what. The ending may be a bit of a cop-out, but the story itself is at once fascinating and frightening. Superman & Batman: Generations. What would've happened if Superman and Batman had debuted in the late 1930s, and existed in 'real time', living through the intervening years to the present, dealing with growing older, passing the torch to their descendants and the kind of world the DCU would have been if it existed in chronological continuity. Fascinating stuff, and a great story besides. JLA: Age of Wonder. Admittedly not -entirely- about the boy with the red 'S' on his chest, this tale of Superman and the JLA making their debut in the 1900s and striving to make the world a better place through Edwardian science makes for a fun read. Superman is a moral exemplar here that serves to bind his friends together in a common desire to use their abilities--physical and mental--to better the world around them. Awesome stuff. It's A Bird. . . Not really an elseworlds story, but more an semi-autobiographical piece by Steven S. Seagle about his assignment to the Superman titles and how he deals with that, his family life, and the impact of Superman as a cultural icon. Very compelling stuff. Superman: Red Son. Superman's rocket lands in the heart of Soviet Russia and he is raised to fight a neverending battle for truth, justice, and the warsaw pact. Easily one of the best Superman stories bar none, regardless of continuity, with the single best ending I've ever read. It'll make you smile if you're a fan, and wonder why it never occured to you before. Superman: Birthright. Not really an elseworlds per se, but a fun revision of Superman's origin for the 21st century. The artwork of Krypton is stunning, and Mark Waid's writing is so enthusiastic it crackles off the page. You may not be able to go back to the silver age, but this weds the classic Superman mythos to a modern context and it holds together surprisingly well. -Def. Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Jor-L on December 27, 2005, 10:38:21 PM Assuming we are counting ONLY those stories with the official "Elseworlds" logo, then it has to be Generations. If we are counting Secret Identity, then that one wins, no contest.
Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Jor-El on December 29, 2005, 09:05:16 AM Im trying to create a timeline for the first 2 Generations Elseworlds comics. To try and decide the ages and years of births and deaths to add a reality to it It should be finished soon
Title: Re: The Greatest Post Crisis Superman Elseworlds Story Post by: Criadoman on January 02, 2006, 10:45:37 AM Hi Guys,
I'm inclined to agree about the Secret ID story. It was something. Kingdom Come is probably my favorite. It really kicked up the icon-factor for DCU in my opinion. Red Son was also a great story too. I just finished reading G2 as well, and I really liked that too. Funny to see that my favorite stories lately showing the Supes I know and love generally tend to be Elseworlds. Angel |