Title: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: JulianPerez on August 12, 2005, 02:51:43 PM I apologize if this is slightly off-topic, however, there isn't a Superman Roleplaying Game forum (since there are very few such games).
I tried googling some Superman character sheets for the Champions Roleplaying Games, and I couldn't find any writeups that were either: 1) usable for gaming; 2) "classic" Superman, 3) really very detailed at all. So I thought I'd put my hand to seeing if I can write a good one. Gary, you're a Champions player, your input would be especially appreciated. I'm probably missing a million different things, and I hope they can be brought to my attention. The "Superman Through the Ages" website was very, very helpful for research. I *wanted* to writeup the Supermobile, but I only vaguely remember that it existed and not what it could do, so if anybody could help me with this, I'd appreciate that. :D Superman Characteristics STR 90/20* (72 points) 27-, 18d6, Lift 6.4 ktons(6,710,886 ktons with Power), 18” Leap DEX 23 (39 points) 14-, OCV 8, DCV 8 CON 28 (36 points) 15- BODY 20 (20 points) EGO 23 (26 points) 14-, ECV 8 INT 23 (13 points) 14-, PER 18- PRE 28 (19 points) 15-, Presence Attack 7d6 COM 20 (5 points) 13- PD 25/10 (5 points) rPD 50 ED 25 (19 points) rED 50 SPD 8/5** (34 points) Phases: 12, 11, 9, 8, 6, 5, 3, 2 REC 24/10 END 110 (29 points) STUN 95/55 (10 points) Numbers to the right of the slash indicate statistic under a Red Sun or under high gravity conditions. * Superman’s STR has the Reduced Endurance: 0 END Cost +½ multiplier, as well as the Limitations: Not Near Kryptonite, -¼, STR 20 Under a Red Sun, –¼, and STR 30 Against Magic PD/ED, –¼, and STR 20 under High Gravity Conditions, –¼. ** Superman SPD has the Limitations: Decreased by Kryptonite –¼, Not in High-Gravity Conditions –¼, and Not Under a Red Sun, -¼, for SPD 8, reducing him to SPD 5. Total Characteristics Cost: 308 points. Powers All Powers have the Limitations: Do not operate in Red Sun Conditions –¼, Drained in the Presence of Kryptonite, -¼ (see section below on Kryptonite effects). Eyeblink Actions: +8 with Noncombat Skills and Actions (64 points), Only to Negate Penalties from Increase on Time Chart, -1, Not in High Gravity –¼, 23 points. Flight: Flight 43”, Noncombat Movement x4 (5 points), Reduced Endurance: 0 END Cost +½, Usable Underwater +¼ (159 Active Points), Does not work in High Gravity –¼, AND Flight 15”, Megascaling: 100km, +¾, Usable Underwater +¼ (60 Active Points), Does not work in High Gravity –¼, No Noncombat Movement –¼, 121 points. Heat-Vision: EB 9d6, Armor-Piercing + ½, Penetrating +½ (90 Active Points), When in Use, Vision is only in the Infrared –¼, 51 points. Heat Trail Vision: Clairsentience, Retrocognition (40 Active Points), Retrocognition Only -1, One Sense Only: Infrared Vision, -¼, Time Modifiers -½, AND Tracking (Infrared Perception) (5 Active Points), 14 points. Invulnerability: Damage Resistance for PD 25, ED 25, Hardened x2, +½, (37 Active Points), AND Armor PD/ED 25, Hardened x2, +½ (112 Active Points), Not Against Magic Attacks –¼, 85 points. Life Vision: Detect: Life Energy (large class), Ranged, (15 Active Points), Flashed as Sight Group, -½, 8 points. Microscopic Vision: Detect Elements (large class) with Discriminatory, Ranged, and Analysis (25 Active Points), Flashed as Sight Group, -½, AND Microscopic Perception x1,000,000 with Sight Group (30 Active Points), 35 points. Radio Hearing: High Range Radio Perception (12 Active Points), 9 points. Solar Regeneration: Healing 1d6 (Regenerating 1 BODY per Turn), Duration Change: Persistent +½, Reduced Endurance: 0 END Cost +½ (20 Active Points), Self-Only –½, 10 points. Solar Sustenance: Life Support: Self-Contained Breathing, Diminished Eating (does not have to eat), Diminished Sleep (does not have to sleep), Low Pressure/Vacuum, High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Lifespan (ages ¼ normally), Immunity (all terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, all terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents), (47 Active Points), 31 points. Space Travel: FTL Travel (2 Light Years/Segment) (54 Active Points), Linked to Flight –½, 27 points. Spectrum Vision: Infrared Perception, AND Nightvision, AND Ultraviolet Perception, AND Detect: Electromagnetic Spectrum (large class) with Ranged, Discriminatory, Analyze, Flashed as Sight Group –½, (40 Active Points), 22 points. Super-Blood Transfusion: Aid 3d6 (STUN, END and STR simultaneously), Delayed Return Rate (5 points Returned per Hour) +1, Variable Effect +¾ (82 Active Points), Extra Time: 5 Minutes to perform transfusion, -2, Others Only –½, OAF Fragile (blood transfusion device, needle, tube) -1 ¼, Side Effect: Drains 1d6 CON from Superman –½, 16 points. Superbreath: Elemental Control (Superbreath), 40 points. 1) Extinguish Flame: Dispel Fire Powers 15d6, Expanded Effect (any single Fire-based power, one at a time) +¼, Cumulative +½ (79 Active Points), Not Magical Fire –¼, 31 points. 2) Freeze Breath: Entangle 4d6, DEF 6, Area of Effect: Cone +1, Selective Target +½ (100 Active Points), Vulnerable: Fire/Heat -1, 42 points. 3) Inhale/Exhale: Telekinesis STR 60 (80 Active Points), Not Indirect –½, Only to Bring Closer/Expel -1, 16 points. 4) Oxygen Deprivation: EB 6d6, NND +1 (defense is LS: Self-Contained Breathing), (60 Active Points), AND Drain Fatigue 2d6 (20 Active Points), Ineffective against LS: Self-Contained Breathing –¼, 36 points. 5) Subtle Gusts: Telekinesis STR 30, Fine Manipulation Modifier (+10), Reduced Endurance: 0 END Cost +½, Invisible Power Effects (Sight Group) +½ (80 Active Points), Not Indirect –½, 27 points. 6) Typhoon Breath: Telekinesis STR 40, Area of Effect: Cone +1, Doubled Area x2 +½, (100 Active Points), Not Indirect –½, Only Only to Bring Closer/Expel -1, 24 points. Total Elemental Control Cost: 144 points. Super-Hearing: +30 Telescoping Levels with Hearing Group (45 Active Points), AND Ultrasonic Perception with Hearing Group, (3 Active Points), AND Microscopic Perception x1,000,000 with Hearing Group (15 Active Points), 48 points. Super-Hypnotism I: Mind Control 8d6, Telepathic +¼, Invisible Power Effects (Target Only) +¼ (60 Active Points), Eye Contact Required –½, Concentration (½ DCV) -¼, 27 points. Super-Hypnotism II: Minor Transform 6d6 (remove or change target’s memories), Based on ECV +1, Works against EGO, not BODY +¼ (137 Active Points), Concentration (½ DCV) -¼, Eye Contact Required –½, Extra Time: Full Phase –¾, 56 points. Super-Kiss: Mind Control 10d6, Reduced Endurance: 0 END Cost +½ (75 points), Extra Time: Full Phase –½, Kiss (Tongue, Lips) Required –½, Only to Create Swooning Euphoria -1, Skin Contact Required -1, 19 points. Super-Senses: +4 with all Sense Groups, 9 points. Super-Sensitive Nostrils: Smell Sense Group with Tracking, Discriminatory, Telescoping +20 (45 Active Points), 30 points. Super-Sensitive Touch: Discriminatory, Analyze with Touch Group (10 Active Points), 7 points. Super-Shout: EB 9d6, Area of Effect: Cone 10”, +1 (90 Active Points), AND Hearing Group Flash 5d6, Area of Effect: Cone, Increased Radius 9”, +1 ½ (37 Active Points), Linked to EB –½, 78 points. Super-Stunts: Multipower: Superstunts, 75 points. 1) Earthquake Punch: Explosion bought for 90 STR, Hole in the Middle (hex where Superman stands) +¼ (67 Active Points), Only Affects Targets on the Ground –¼, Extra Time: Reduced Initiative –¼, Only does Knockdown, not Knockback, (-0), 4 points. 2) Multi-Imaging: Sight Group Images, -4 to PER Rolls, Size (8” Radius) +¾ (38 Active Points), No Range –½, 3 points. 3) Immoveable Stance: Knockback Resistance -12” (24 Active Points), Not When Moving or Airborne –1, 1 point. 4) Static Electric Lightning: EB 8d6, (40 Active Points) AND Dispel Gadgetry 9d6, any one gadget power, one at a time +¼ (34 Active Points), Extra Time: Delayed Phase –¼, Visible (can be heard miles away) –¼, 5 points. 5) Superfast Heat-Vision: Autofire bought for Heat-Vision Power (5 shots, +½), (45 Active Points), 4 points. 6) Superfast Punches: Autofire bought for 90 STR (5 shots, +½), (45 Active Points), 4 points. 7) Super-Spin: Tunneling 15” through 15 DEF Material per phase (75 Active Points), 7 points. 8) Superspeed Funnel: Dispel Explosions 20d6, any single Area of Effect/Explosion Attack +¼ (75 Active Points), Linked to Flight –½, No Range –½, 4 points. 9) Time Barrier Breaking: Extra Dimensional Movement (any date or place in time), Increased Weight: 200kg (+5), (65 Active Points), Activation Roll (15-, failure indicates adrift in the timestream), -¼, Increased END Cost x2, -½, Linked to Flight (used at full value) –¾, 3 points. 10) Thunderclap: Hearing Group Flash 8d6, Explosion (1d6/3”; +1), Hole in the Middle (one hex Superman stands in when using power) +¼, Does Knockback +¼ (60 Active Points), 6 points. 11) Too Fast to Be Seen: Invisibility to Sight/Radio/Sonar Groups, Reduced Endurance: 0 End Cost +½ (45 Active Points), Linked to Flight/Running –½, Only when not attacking –½, 2 points. 12) Wrap-Up: Entangle 7d6, up to 7 DEF (70 Active Points), OIF (appropriate materials of opportunity) –½, No Range –½, Extra Time (at least full phase, possibly longer depending on acquisition), -½, Defense depends on materials used –½, 2 points. 13) X-Ray Plant Growth: Change Environment 2”, -4 Inches of Movement, Varying Effect +¼ (27 Active Points), Requires a Skill Roll: SS Botany –½, 1 point. Total Multipower Cost: 80 points. Super-Ventriloquism: Hearing Group Images, -6 to PER Rolls, Increased Size: 64” Radius, +1 ½, Indirect (can originate from anywhere) +¾, (55 Active points), 37 points. Telescopic Vision: Telescoping +30 Levels with Sight Sense Group (45 Active Points), 30 points. Unlimited Strength: STR +100 (100 Active Points), Does No Damage -1, No Figured Characteristics -½, Extra Time: Full Phase, -½, Not in High Gravity Conditions –¼, 27 points. Voice Mimicry: Shape Shift (Hearing Group, any humanoid voice), Imitation, Instant Change (30 Active Points), 20 points. X-Ray Vision: N-Ray Perception with Sight Group (unable to penetrate lead), (Active Instead of Passive Sense), (10 Active Points), 7 points. Total Powers Cost: 1071 points. Superman’s Super-Gadgetry Clark’s Apartment Answering Machine: Images vs. Hearing Group, 1” Radius, -6 to PER rolls, Reduced Endurance: 0 END Cost +½, Trigger (telephone ringing, asked questions) +½ (36 Active Points), OAF (receiver) -1, Set Effect (Clark Kent’s voice) –½, 14 points. Clark Kent Disguise: Shape Shift (Sight and Hearing Group, single alternate form), Instant Change (+5), Duration Change: Persistent, Inherent +¾, Reduced Endurance: 0 End Cost +½ (40 Active Points), IAF: Glasses, -½, RSR: Acting, -½, 20 points. Superman’s Super-Cape: Multipower (Supercape): 80 Active Points. Reduced Endurance: 0 END Cost +½, OIF (Cape) –½, Does not Work under a Red Sun –¼. 1) Control Descent: Gliding 12”, 1 point. 2) Elastic Barrier: Force Wall PD 12/ED 12, 6” wide/tall, Opaque to Sight Group, (80 Active Points), 8 points. 3) Protective Covering: LS: Safe Environment (Low Pressure/Vacuum, High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat), (13 Active Points), 1 point. 4) Wraparound: Entangle 5d6, DEF 6, Stops Sight Group, Backlash +½ (78 Active Points), No Range –½, 8 points. Total Multipower Cost: 78 points. Total Gadgetry Cost: 112 points. Nightwing Gadgets These are the pieces of equipment that Superman uses in his guise of Nightwing, the “Batman” of Kandor. All of them have the -2 Limitation, “Only Useable in Kandor.” Vehicle: Nightmobile (identical to Super-Car in CHAMPIONS: SUPER-ROLEPLAYING supplement, 5th Edition, pg. 113), 26 points. Cutting Torches: Tunneling 1” through 10 DEF Material (33 Active Points), 1 Charge of 20 minutes –½, Extra Time: Full Phase –½, OAF (torch) -1, 11 points. Lead Cloth Cap: Mental Defense (15 points), AND Mental Defense (5 points), (20 Active Points), 5 DEF Only Against Mind Scans -1, OIF (Cap) –½, 12 points. Jet Motors: Flight 15” (30 Active Points), NCM x16 (10 points), 1 Continuing Charge: 6 Hours, (-0), OIF (Jet Motors) –½, 30 points. Nightwing Vision: Nightvision, IIF (mask lenses) –¼, 4 points. Smoke Cylinder: Darkness to Sight Group 3” Radius (30 Active Points), 4 Charges lasting 1 Turn each (removed by winds and rain –½,), OIF (belt) –½, 15 points. Total Nightwing Gadgetry Cost: 30 points. Perks Followers: Superman Robots (see below), x8 (4 Superman Robots, 1 Clark Kent Robot, 1 Jimmy Olsen Robot, 1 Lois Lane Robot), 97 points. Base: Fortress of Solitude (see below), 110 points. Computer: Super-Univac (see below), 20 points. Contact: Doctor Kim-Da, 8-, useful skills, good relationship, 3 points. Contact: Adult Legion of Super-Heroes, 11-, useful skills/resources, good relationship, organization, 15 points. Contact: Professor Potter, 11-, useful skills, good relationship, 4 points. Contact: Van-Zee, 8-, useful skills, good relationship, 3 points. Reputation (as Superman), 14-, Everyone on Earth, (bought x3), +3d6 to PRE Attacks, +3 to Influence rolls, 9 points. Press Pass, 1 point. United Nations Golden Certificate (international police powers and right to enter any member nation at any time), 7 points. Total Perks Cost: 214 points. Talents All Talents have the Limitations: Do not operate in Red Sun Conditions –¼, Drained in the Presence of Kryptonite, -¼ (see section below on Kryptonite effects). Ambidexterity (no off-hand penalties), 6 points. Eidetic Memory, 3 points. Lightning Calculator, 2 points. Lightning Reflexes +6 to DEX for Initiative, 6 points. Perfect Pitch, 2 points. Simulate Death, 2 points. Speed-Reading x1,000,000, 9 points. Universal Translator 15-, 15 points. Total Talents Cost: 45 points. Skills +2 Overall Levels, 20 points. +3 to Science Skills, 9 points. +4 Skill Levels with Flight, 12 points. Acting 15-, 3 points. AK: Metropolis 14- (based on INT), 3 points. AK: Kandor 14- (based on INT), 3 points. AK: Krypton 11-, 2 points. AK: Smallville 8-, 1 point. Analyze: Technology 14-, 3 points. Computer Programming 14-, 3 points. Cramming 14-, 3 points. Deduction 14-, 3 points. Demolitions 8-, 1 point. Disguise 8-, 1 point. Electronics 14-, 3 points. Inventor 14-, 3 points. KS: Kryptonian Culture 11-, 2 points. L: Kryptonese (total fluency), 4 points. Mechanics 14-, 3 points. Navigation: Air, Space, 14-, 3 points. Oratory 16-, 5 points. Persuasion 15-, 3 points. Power: Speed Stunts, Strength Tricks, and Superbreath, all at 14-, 9 points. PS: Play Chess 14- (based on INT), 3 points. PS: Reporter 12-, 3 points. Scientist, 3 points. SS: Medicine, SS: Microbiology at 8-, 0 points. SS: Astronomy, SS: Biology, SS: Botany, SS: Chemistry, SS: Ecology, SS: Geology, SS: Marine Biology, SS: Mathematics, SS: Metallurgy, SS: Nuclear Physics, SS: Robotics, SS: Rocket Science, SS: Optics, SS: Paleontology, SS: Planetology, SS: Vulcanology, SS: Xenobiology, SS: Zoology, all at 11-, 18 points. Total Skills Cost: 129 points. Disadvantages Dependent: Jimmy Olsen, Normal, 11-, Unaware of Secret Identity, 15 points. Dependent: Lana Lang, Normal, 8-, Unaware of Secret Identity, 15 points. Dependent: Lois Lane, Normal, 14-, Unaware of Secret Identity, 25 points. Hunted: Lex Luthor, less powerful, 11-, Capture/Kill, 10 points. Hunted: Morgan Edge, less powerful, NCI, 8-, Only Watching, 0 points. Hunted: Mr. Mxyzptlk, as powerful, 8-, Only Embarrass/Humiliate, 5 points. Hunted: Villains Gallery (Mongul, Parasite, Prankster, Metallo, Terra-Man, Toyman, Bizarro), imprison/kill, less powerful, 11-, 10 points. Physical Limitation: Loses Powers forever after Phase of exposure to Gold Kryptonite (Infrequently, Fully), 15 points. Physical Limitation: Transformed Randomly by effects of Red Kryptonite (Infrequently, Fully), 15 points. Reputation: Moral Hero, 14-, 15 points. Psych Lim: Code vs. Killing (Common, Total), 20 points. Psych Lim: Heroic Code, Vow to Protect Life (Very Common, Total), 25 points. Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Severe, Common), 15 points. Susceptibility: Green Kryptonite, 3d6 Damage per Phase (Uncommon), 25 points. Vulnerability: Gravity-based attacks, x2, uncommon, 10 points. Vulnerability: Magic based Drains, Suppresses, and Dispels, x2, uncommon, 10 points. Total Disadvantages Cost: 230 points. Total Superman Cost: 1909 – 230 = 1679 points. The Fortress of Solitude Characteristics BODY 12 (10 points) DEF 16 (42 points) Size: 160 x 80, Area: 12,500 Hexes, DCV -14 (32 points) Total Characteristics Cost: 84 points. Abilities and Equipment Location: Distant, Deep Wilderness, 15 points. Rockface Construction: Camouflage 18-, 21 points. Power Generator: Endurance Reserve (100 END, 20 REC), (30 Active Points), OIF Immobile –1 ½, 12 points. Antigravity Shoes: STR +80, Reduced Endurance: 0 END Cost +½, (120 Active Points), IIF (shoes) –¼, No Figured Characteristics –½, Only to Resist the effects of High-Gravity -2, Only works in Kandor -2, 23 points. Chess-Playing Robot: Play Chess 14- (7 Active Points), AND +8 Skill Levels (24 Active Points), Only with Chess –½, Only to absorb penalties from stepping up the Time Chart -1, OAF (Robot) -1, 13 points. Disintigration Pit: RKA 6d6, Area of Effect: (Square in 8” by 5” hex pit) +1, Duration Change: Constant, Persistent +1 ½, NND +1 (defenses are force fields, red solar rays, and concrete containment medium), (405 Active Points), Always On –½, Limited Area (8” x 5” hex pit) -2, No Range –½, OAF Immobile (radioactive Kandorian Elements) -2, Reduced STUN Multiplier (1d6-2), -½, 62 points. Electric Eye Beam: Detect: Intruders (class of things), +6 to PER Rolls with Sense, AND Rapid Sense with Detect, x10,000,000 (45 Active Points), Fixed Perception Point (door) -1, IAF –½, 18 points. Emergency Communication Monitor: Mind Link (Washington D.C., Atlantis, the Bottled City of Kandor, the United Nations, Four Distant Planets), Can travel any distance (25 Active Points), OAF Bulky –1 ½ (monitor), Only with others that have Mind Link -1, Sight/Hearing Group Transmission Only –¼, 7 points. Explosive Protection Devices: RKA 2d6, Area of Effect: Explosion +½, Trigger: Intruders +¼ (52 Active Points), x4 Protective Devices (10 points), 1 Charge, -2, No Range –½, IAF -½, 24 points. Food Synthesizer: Major Transform 2d6 (energy into food or drink), Improved Target Group (any kind of food or drink in the universe) +½ (45 Active Points), OAF Bulky –1 ½, 18 points. Heating System: Life Support: Safe Environment (Extreme Cold), 2 points. Interplanetary Alarm: Detect: Entrance in Earth’s Atmosphere (large group) with Ranged (+5), Discriminatory (+5), Increased Arc of Perception (360 Degrees, +5), +30 Telescoping with Detect (70 Active Points), OAF Immobile -2, 23 points. Kryptonite Detector: Detect: Kryptonite (any type, single thing) with Ranged, Sense, Increased Arc of Perception (360 Degrees, +5), +8 Telescoping with sense (27 Active Points), Does not work through Lead –¼, OAF Immobile (Kryptonite Detector) -2, 8 points. Krypto-Room 3-D Tableau: Images vs. Sight Group, 8” Radius, +¾, IAF Bulky -1, Set Effect (Only to Duplicate Kryptonian Living Space) -1, Only Within Defined Area (8” Radius Set Aside for Tableau) -2, 3 points. Lead Armor: Armor PD 7/ED 15 (29 Active Points), Major Side-Effect: acts as a Drain DEX and SPD 2d6 as long as Armor is worn -1, OIF -½, 12 points. Mirage Projector: Sight Group Images, Increased Radius 4”, +½ (15 Active Points), Only Within Defined Area (Fortress Door), -2, IAF Immobile (Projector) –1 ½, Set Effect (ice covered rockface) -1, 3 points. Radio Room: HRRP,, Trigger: SOS and calls for help, +¼, OAF Immobile -2, 4 points. Phantom Zone Projector: Extra Dimensional Movement (any location in single other dimension), Useable by Others (x8 Targets/Mass), +1, Ranged +½, Useable as Attack +1, Transdimensional (brings targets from Phantom Zone back) +½, Trigger (restores any sent to the Phantom Zone back in one hour automatically if conditions are not met) +¼ (106 Active Points), Charges: 8, -½, OAF (Projector) -1, 42 points. Phantom Zone Viewer: Clairsentience with Sight and Hearing Groups, Other Dimensional (Phantom Zone), x16 Range (3200” hexes), (60 Active Points), OAF Immobile -2 (Viewer), Only Phantom Zone –1, 15 points. Seismic Map: Detect: Tectonic Instability (small class of things), with Sense, Ranged, Discriminatory, +8 Telescoping Levels with Detect, MegaScaling: 10 km range, +½ (40 Active Points), OAF Immobile (Map) -2, 13 points. Shrinking Ray: Extra-Dimensional Travel (single location in Kandor), Increased Weight (400 kg, four times normal human mass), (30 Active Points), 2 Charges (there and back), – 1 ½, 12 points. Subsonic Alarm: Images vs. Hearing Group, Radius 256”, +2, Trigger (Variable; includes setting off Interplanetary Alarm, Electric Eye Beam, and Kryptonite Detector) +½, (52 Active Points), IAF Immobile -1 ½, Only Ultrasonic Sound –½, Set Effect: Ultrasonic Alarm -1, 8 points. Super-Fumigation System: LS: Immmunity (Diseases, Biowarfare Agents), Area of Effect: Radius x64 +2 ½ (25 Active Points, Costs END –½, IAF Immobile -1 ½, Only in Defined Area: Fortress Hexes –1, 6 points. Super-Newsroom: KS: Current News and KS: Archived Recent News at 15- (8 Active Points), OAF Immobile (news presses) -2, 3 points. Super-Telecaster: Flash 5d6 vs. Radio Group, Area of Effect: Radius x16, +2, Megascaling: 1000km, +1 (60 Active Points), Only vs. Televisions -1, OAF Bulky -1 ½, AND HRRP (12 Active Points), OAF Bulky – 1 ½, Transmit Only –½, 20 points. Super-Telescope: Telescopic +30 with Sight Group (45 Active Points), MegaScaling: 100 Billion KM = 1”, +3, Extra Time: 1 Turn –1, OAF Fragile Immobile -2 ¼, RSR: SS: Astronomy –¾, 22 points. Time-Space Viewer: Clairsentience with Sight and Hearing Groups and Retrocognition (50 Active Points), Activation Roll 13-, -¾, Retrocognition Only -1, OAF Immobile (Viewer) -2, 10 points. Total Abilities and Equipment Cost: 419 points. Laboratories Analyze: Technology, Electronics, Inventor, Mechanics, all at 14-, Require STR 60+ to use giant tools, –½, 33 points. Scientist, 3 points. SS: Chemistry, SS: Geology, SS: Kandorian Restoration Research, SS: Kryptonite Research, SS: Medicine, SS: Microbiology, SS: Metallurgy, SS: Robotics, SS: Rocketry, SS: Nuclear Physics, SS: Time Studies, SS: Optics, SS: Xenobiology, all at 12-, 26 points. Total Laboratory Cost: 62 points. Disadvantages DNPC: Interstellar Zoo, 8-, Slightly Less Powerful, 5 points. Phys Lim: Requires Flight to get around, uncommon, fully limiting, 10 points. Total Disadvantage Points: 15 points. Total Base Cost: 550/5 = 110 points. Superman Robots Characteristics STR 45 (45 points) 18-, 9d6 Damage, 9" Leap DEX - CON 13 (6 points) 12- BODY 12 (4 points) EGO – INT 0 (-10 points) PRE 13 (3 points) 12-, Presence Attack: 3d6 COM 20 (5 points) 13- PD 8 (-2 points) rPD 8 ED 8 (5 points) rED 8 SPD - REC 0 (-26 points) END 0 (-13 points) STUN – Total Characteristics Cost: 7 points. Powers Batteries: END Reserve: 200 points, REC 10 (40 Active Points), Only Takes REC from Recharging -1/2, 30 points. Eyeblink Actions: +4 with Noncombat Skills and Actions (32 points), Only to Negate Penalties from Increase on Time Chart, -1, 16 points. Flight: Flight 15”, NCM x16 (45 Active Points), 30 points. Heat-Vision: EB 9d6, 45 points. Mechanical Support: Life Support: Total, 45 points. Radio Hearing: High Range Radio Perception (12 Active Points), 12 points. Robot Body I: Damage Resistance bought for PD/ED 8, Hardened +¼ (10 Active Points), 10 points. Robot Body II: Does Not Bleed, 15 points. Robot Body III: Takes No Stun, 45 points. Self-Destruct Mechanism: RKA 4d6, NND +1 (defense is not being the robot), Standard Effect Rule (always does 18 BODY), +0, Trigger (malfunction or disabled on a mission), +¼ (135 Active Points), 1 Charge -2, No Range –½, Only to Destroy Self -2, 24 points. Spectrum Vision: Infrared Perception, AND Nightvision, AND Ultraviolet Perception, AND Detect: Electromagnetic Spectrum (large class) with Ranged, Discriminatory, Analyze, Flashed as Sight Group –½, (40 Active Points), 32 points. Super-Breath I: Entangle 4d6, Entangle 4 (40 Active Points), Vulnerable: Heat/Fire -1, 20 points. Super-Breath II: Telekinesis STR 20, Area of Effect: Cone +1 (45 Active Points), Affects whole object –¼, Only to bring closer/expel -1, 20 points. Super-Hearing: +30 Telescoping Levels with Hearing Group (45 Active Points), AND Ultrasonic Perception with Hearing Group, (3 Active Points), 48 points. Super-Senses: +4 with all Sense Groups, 12 points. Super-Shout: EB 9d6, Visible (can be heard for miles), -¼, 36 points. Telescopic Vision: Telescoping +30 Levels with Sight Sense Group (45 Active Points), 45 points. X-Ray Vision: N-Ray Perception with Sight Group (unable to penetrate lead), (Active Instead of Passive Sense), (10 Active Points), 10 points. Total Powers Cost: 400 points. Disadvantages DF: Metal Body, not concealable, revealed by Technology or Detects), 5 points. Enraged: Electrocution/lightning, uncommon circumstance, Berserk, 8-, 11-, 20 points. Phys Lim: Affected by Cyberkinesis (has EGO 5 for purposes of Cyberkinetic powers and can be affected by cyberkinetic based Presence Attacks), Infrequently, Greatly Impairing, 10 points. Susceptibility: Unusual Electromagnetic Interference (nearness to microwaves, cosmic rays, sunspot activity), uncommon, 3d6, 20 points. Vulnerability: Electromagnetic-based Attacks, x2, 20 points. Total Disadvantages Points: 75 points. Total Superman Robot Cost: 332/5 = 66 points. Superman Robot Computer Brain To represent Lois and Jimmy robots, replace the Programs “Duplicate Clark Kent’s mannerisms” with “Duplicate Lois/Jimmy’s mannerisms.” Characteristics INT 13 (3 points) 12-, PER Roll 16- DEX 15 (15 points) EGO 10 12- SPD 4 (15 points) Phases: 12, 9, 6, 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 33 points. Skills Acting 15-, 9 points. Conversation 12-, 3 points. Jack of All Trades, 8 points. LS: English, Kryptonian (fluently), 8 points. Navigation (air, space) 11-, 3 points. PS: Bartender 11-, 1 point. PS: Butler 11-, 1 point. PS: Cooking 11-, 1 point. PS: Housecleaning 11-, 1 point. PS: Household Financial Management 11-, 1 point. PS: Laboratory Assistant 11-, 1 point. TF: Car, 1 point. Total Skills Cost: 38 points. Talents Absolute Range Sense, Absolute Time Sense, Bump of Direction, Lightning Calculator, Universal Translator 11-, 32 points. Programs Activate on contact with Superman’s X-Ray Vision. Assist Superman’s scientific experiments. Attend to needs of Fortress visitors. Clean Fortress of Solitude once every 24 hours. Circle and fly in swooping pattern. Duplicate Clark Kent’s mannerisms. Duplicate Superman’s mannerisms. Feed/Maintain Interstellar Zoo. Feign vulnerability to Kryptonite in public. Follow and protect a single human. Guard Fortress of Solitude, capture intruders. Hold polite, basic conversations. Perform Clark Kent’s Daily Planet duties. Prepare beds for visitors. Respond to Subsonic Alarm in Fortress, request surrender, if refused, incapacitate intruders nonlethally. Disadvantages Psych Lim: Cannot be programmed to perform immoral acts, uncommon, strong, 15 points. Psychological Limitation: Programming overridden to rescue humans in danger, very common, total, 25 points. Total Disadvantages Cost: 40 points. Total Computer Brain Cost: 79/5 = 16 points. Super-Univac Characteristics INT 23 (13 points) 14-, PER roll 14- DEX 5 (-15 points) 9-, OCV 2/DCV 2 SPD 1 (-10 points) Phase: 7 Total Characteristics Cost: -12 points. Abilities Autochef: PS: Cooking 15-, 4 points. Calculator: Lightning Calculator, 3 points. Chronometer: Absolute Time Sense, 3 points. Future Possibility Calculation: Clairsentience for Sight and Hearing Group, Precognition, x128 Range (89,600”), Transdimensional (any “possible” or “imaginary” future) +¾, (140 Active Points), Cannot predict past “Iron Curtain of Time” or “Lost Years,” –¼, Extra Time: 1 Turn (needed to calculate) -1 ¼, Precognition Only -1, Predictions based only on existing data –½, Time Modifiers –½, 28 points. Memory: Eidetic Memory, 5 points. Waldoes: Extra Limbs (various throughout fortress), 5 points. Total Abilities Cost: 48 points. Skills AK: Arctic Circle, Earth, United States, Metropolis, all at 16-, 20 points. KS: Known Criminals, Supervillians, World Celebrities/Politicians, all at 15-, 12 points. KS: Earth History, Krypton History, both at 14-, 6 points. KS: Kryptonian Culture, World Politics, both at 14-, 6 points. Navigation (Space) 15-, 2 points. SS: Astronomy 15-, 4 points. SS: Mathematics 15-, 4 points. Programs Activate silent subsonic warning on tripping of Interplanetary Alarm. Activate silent subsonic warning on detection of Earth or Atlantean Emergency. Calculate possible outcome of a course of action with fed data. Destroy Clark Kent Memorabilia in event of Superman’s death. Destroy Supergirl/Batman and Robin room materials in the event of visitor. Maintain and feed Interplanetary Zoo animals, report anomalies. Monitor Phantom Zone, report anomalies. Report tripping of electric eye beam. Plot distance, travel times in space based on star maps. Search reference material for information on a topic. Total Skills/Programs Cost: 64 points. Total Computer Cost: 100/5 = 20 points. Notes on the Conversion Powers When creating Superman’s powers it was keen that a 90 point ceiling for the powers, or 18 DCs, would be about right for the Man of Steel’s nearly limitless powers, though on special occasions this ceiling was broken. The “In Use, Vision is only in the Infrared” Limitation on Heat Vision comes not from the Silver Age, but from an intriguing theory by Mark Wolverton in his book, “The Science of Superman.” In it, he states that Superman’s Heat-Vision is based on his eyes reflecting infrared rays off his iris the way a cat’s eyes reflect visible light in darkness, creating “heat beams.” In order to work, however, the eyes must be tuned into the infrared portion of the spectrum. It is an intriguing enough of a limitation to be represented on a character sheet, and appropo to the science-oriented Silver Age. The “Life Vision” ability on the sheet is not found in the Silver Age comics, but in the Silver Age Superman novels by Super-Scribe Elliot S! Maggin, who propounded the intriguing theory that Superman is able to view all living things as glowing luminous beings because of the electromagnetic discharge they give off. For this reason, Superman is inclined to view all life with a respect, for he sees them in a similar way that emphasizes its similarities. As this glow remains weakly after a being is killed, for this reason, very seldom does Superman eat meat. Superman’s Superspeed is potentially the most problematic power available. To represent it, I took his Combat Flight to be 43”, which with Noncombat Multiple of x4 is 1,360 hexes per Turn, or slightly less than the speed of sound, on the theory that Superman would not go faster than this in a combat situation and risk destruction to property (it also sports the enhancement: 0 End Cost with the rationale that such a miniscule exertion of speed is nothing for Superman). Superman also has Flight purchased with Megamovement x100km. This allows him to go from Metropolis to London in two seconds and from Metropolis to Hawaii in four if he accelerates to Noncombat Movement. His interstellar speed is 2 Light Years/Segment, and with a SPD of 8, this means that he can reach Proxima Centauri in slightly over two seconds after leaving Earth’s atmosphere, and can cross the Milky Way galaxy from end to end in 24 hours. His ability to perform actions in eyeblinks is reflected by taking eight penalty levels with all noncombat skills and rolls, allowing him to raise actions up the Time Chart; with eight penalty levels, he can do the work of 24 hours in a single segment. To represent Superman’s speed, I included as a part of his Superstunts Multipower the Autofire enhancement for physical blows and Heat-Vision to represent his occasional bursts of superspeed, instead of just increasing his SPD to an unreasonably high degree. Superman is fast, but he isn’t the Flash, and doesn’t fight like the Flash does, with an action every single second, using speed in bursts rather than consistently. Superman’s heat-trail vision was used in one issue of SUPERMAN’S PAL JIMMY OLSEN. Though generally I tried not to include powers Superman only used once, this is added out of respect for Kirby, and because it was fun to build. Superman’s opacity to X-Rays (that is, as a function of his invulnerability, X-Rays cannot pierce Superman’s skin) is taken as a “special effect” of his Invulnerability, as it is not worth points as an Invisibility with a very limited Sense (X-Rays show he is there by silhouette, not any of the relevant functions of his internal anatomy), as additionally it can be problematic in the rare event of Super-Surgery. Superman’s “Super-Senses” are purchased at +30, which allows him to read newspaper a man is holding or hear a whispered conversation from Earth’s orbit. Sight Group is bought with the Telescoping advantage. Skill Levels with PER taken with the limitation “Only to Offset Penalties” applies to the Hearing group to represent the depth of Superman’s Super-Hearing, which also involves hearing very quiet objects as well as merely hearing loud ones from far away. The Microscopic Perception is added to Superman’s Hearing Group, to show he can hear such tiny events as cells dividing. Skills/Talents/Perks Superman’s United Nations Certificate is a combination of the Perks International Police Powers with Passport, with an additional point to represent his ability to enter and exit UN Model nations at will. Some may not agree with Superman’s possession of Universal Translation, however, it has been explained that Superman speaks every single human and alien language, and it has been demonstrated on a number of occasions that his superpowerful intellect is so well developed that Superman is actually able to comprehend gradually a language, such as he did with Lori Lemaris’s Mermaid tongue, when he had no previous knowledge of it. Superman’s Area Knowledge of Krypton and Smallville are only at 11- and 8- respectively, as Superman was only a baby when Krypton exploded, and while he has Super-Memory that allows him to recall it perfectly, his experience with that planet was not total. For example, on many occasions, Supergirl, who was born and reached adolescence in Argo City, has shown far wider knowledge of dead Krypton than her cousin. The reason for his low (for Superman) skill with Smallville is that this small town has changed a great deal since Superman was a boy there, and so logically his skill with it would be inexact. Disguise is taken to represent all the number of times that he and Batman have tricked a foe into using the wrong weapons on them by having one pretend to be the other, which would no doubt give the Man of Steel some knowledge of Disguise technique; since he does not rely on this on a regular basis, his skill is only sufficient for a passing familiarity. Disadvantages Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen are both taken as Disadvantages, though only occasionally are they used against Superman and be in need of heroic assistance. Usually, the DNPC appears in some way to give Superman mischief, such as Lois scheming to discover his Secret Identity or coming up with a clever plan to try to marry him, or Jimmy inhaling strange vapors that transform him into a Turtle Boy, or given Mind-Reading Powers by aliens (which naturally, he misuses with hilarious consequences). Fortress of Solitude Superman’s Fortress of Solitude has the Interstellar Zoo as a DNPC as a result of the fact that occasionally, one of them might escape and make some sort of mischief for Superman. As usually only one does so at a time, the Group DNPC disadvantage is not taken. Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Gary on August 12, 2005, 04:36:40 PM Wow, that's an impressive bit of work. You obviously put a whole lot of thought into it.
FYI, I'm only familiar with Champions up to the fourth edition (the big blue book) whereas obviously you're using fifth edition. I'll also point out that it's very difficult to adapt a character from comics to a game, since comics characters are generally a lot less consistent than ones from games -- something I found out when I tried to adapt the Ranma 1/2 characters for Champions. That said, here's my comments; all are my personal opinion only, ignore anything you don't find useful. It's not clear how much the various limitations on the powers should be worth. I think if I were doing it, I'd drop the not near kryptonite and instead take that as a Susceptibility, with the damage being a large drain versus all designated "super" powers (in addition to the STUN and BODY damage he takes from the stuff). I don't think kryptonite completely removes his powers; I seem to recall him knocking the stuff away with a gust of superbreath at the last minute or something like that. For the others, the red sun and heavy gravity limitations, I'd combine and call them a -1/4 net. I don't think they happen often enough to be worth any more than that. Some of this will depend on which era Superman you're doing. Kryptonite was a lot more common for '60s Superman than for the '70s version. COM 20 may be a bit much. I always thought Supes' appeal to women was more based on him being such a famous and unique individual rather than physical good looks. But then again, I think he had women attracted to him even when he was suffering from red K-induced amnesia, so maybe I'm wrong. I think super-hypnotism does require a spoken command, but it probably depends on the particular story. Super-kiss, on the other hand, should have the no spoken command advantage, since Supes doesn't have to say "Swoon, Lois!" :) To avoid having 8) turn into the smiley face, check the "Disable Smilies" box below. Since Superman doesn't do a lot of voice imitations, I would just give him Mimicry skill and leave it at that. Likewise, I don't think you need to buy Shape Shift for the Clark disguise; it's just a standard Secret ID. You may want to add other effects for heat vision, like a transform to fuse materials together. It doesn't always just destroy stuff. Also, it should have the invisible power effects advantage, since other people generally can't see that he's using it. For Clark's answering machine, I assume you aren't talking about a standard "please leave a message after the beep" thing, which you shouldn't have to pay points for, but rather something that can fool callers into thinking that Clark is actually speaking to them. In this case I'd buy it as an AI with Mimicry skill. Should the Super-cape be considered an OAF? I'd think it could be grabbed. Whether anyone could wrest it from his grasp is another issue. :) Not sure if he should have either Oratory or Persuasion. Any persuasiveness he has (which is debatable anyway; how often does he manage to convince anyone of something?) can be attributed to his high presence and his super-reputation. I'm not sure Deduction is appropriate either -- he doesn't seem to do a lot of it. Since "Heroic Code" is kind of vague, and overlaps with Code vs. Killing, I'd replace it with something more specific like "Obligation to protect humanity from all threats". Mxy could probably be considered more powerful. Physically, he's a wimp, but his offensive powers are pretty nearly unlimited, and he can't generally be beaten through straightforward violence (Who Took the Super out of Superman being the exception). I skimmed over the equipment in an attempt to finish this post before I have to go home. :) Only comment here is that he shouldn't have the Robots if this is the Schwarz-era Superman (as it seems to be from the presence of Morgan Edge). Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: JulianPerez on August 13, 2005, 04:23:49 AM Quote from: "Gary" Wow, that's an impressive bit of work. You obviously put a whole lot of thought into it. FYI, I'm only familiar with Champions up to the fourth edition (the big blue book) whereas obviously you're using fifth edition. I'll also point out that it's very difficult to adapt a character from comics to a game, since comics characters are generally a lot less consistent than ones from games -- Boy, don't I know it! :D Quote from: "Gary" It's not clear how much the various limitations on the powers should be worth. I think if I were doing it, I'd drop the not near kryptonite and instead take that as a Susceptibility, with the damage being a large drain versus all designated "super" powers (in addition to the STUN and BODY damage he takes from the stuff). I don't think kryptonite completely removes his powers; I seem to recall him knocking the stuff away with a gust of superbreath at the last minute or something like that. For the others, the red sun and heavy gravity limitations, I'd combine and call them a -1/4 net. I don't think they happen often enough to be worth any more than that. Good point. I put some thought into justifying the -1/4 limitation: The –¼ limitation taken to many of his powers shows that in addition to damage taken from his Susceptibility to the substance, Superman loses his powers in the unshielded presence of Green Kryptonite at a rate of 20 Active Points the phase he comes into contact with the Kryptonite, and 10 Active Points following this every additional phase. When removed from exposure to Kryptonite, these points regenerate at a rate of 10 Active Points per Turn. A Susceptibility that is a Drain to Powers might also represent this as well, like you said. Good point also about the Red Sun/Gravity thing being the same, because they don't come into play enough to justify seperate limitations. The problem with that, though, is that some powers have the Gravity limitation and others do not. You are right that having them be seperate limitations might be abusive, I chose to err on the side of completeness, though. Quote from: "Gary" Some of this will depend on which era Superman you're doing. Kryptonite was a lot more common for '60s Superman than for the '70s version. Hmmmm...that IS a good point. I was kinda fudgy about specific period; like I had Hunted: Morgan Edge as a Disadvantage but also had stats for Superman Robots. Perhaps I ought to be more consistent; I was thinking Schwarz era, which may require some changes, like the addition of Contact: Cadmus Project and Contact: Hairies, and the removal of the Superman Robots. Just as well; they are the part of the conversion that I am the most unhappy with. Mostly because the sources themselves aren't constant. They are stated as having "Superman's powers," but not to the same degree; there are some powers, like Super-Ventriloquism and Super-Hypnotism, that I've just never seen a Superman Robot do. And lesser - but how much? I chose 45 Active Point ceiling in powers, but that was just an arbitrary choice on my part. Quote from: "Gary" COM 20 may be a bit much. I always thought Supes' appeal to women was more based on him being such a famous and unique individual rather than physical good looks. But then again, I think he had women attracted to him even when he was suffering from red K-induced amnesia, so maybe I'm wrong. Women can be attracted to you whether you have high or low COM, so yeah, I think you are right. Though I think I recall some references to Superman being described as "very handsome," or something to that effect; perhaps it's all not enough to justify COM 20 - what COM do you suggest? Quote from: "Gary" I think super-hypnotism does require a spoken command, but it probably depends on the particular story. Super-kiss, on the other hand, should have the no spoken command advantage, since Supes doesn't have to say "Swoon, Lois!" :) I see your point! Here are those powers, rewritten: Super-Hypnotism I: Mind Control 8d6, Invisible Power Effects (Target Only) +¼ (50 Active Points), Eye Contact Required –½, Concentration (½ DCV) -¼, 22 points. Super-Hypnotism II: Minor Transform 6d6 (remove or change target’s memories), Based on ECV +1, Works against EGO, not BODY +¼ (137 Active Points), Concentration (½ DCV) -¼, Eye Contact Required –½, Extra Time: Full Phase –¾, Incantations -¼, 42 points. Super-Kiss: Mind Control 10d6, Reduced Endurance: 0 END Cost +½, Telepathic +¼ (87 points), Extra Time: Full Phase –½, Kiss (Tongue, Lips) Required –½, Only to Create Swooning Euphoria -1, Skin Contact Required -1, 25 points. This changes the cost of his Powers from 1071 to 1058. Quote from: "Gary" To avoid having 8) turn into the smiley face, check the "Disable Smilies" box below. Ha ha ha! Hadn't even noticed that. Quote from: "Gary" Since Superman doesn't do a lot of voice imitations, I would just give him Mimicry skill and leave it at that. Likewise, I don't think you need to buy Shape Shift for the Clark disguise; it's just a standard Secret ID. Yeah, you're right, the Shape Shift to represent Clark is overkill. His Acting skill is pretty high, so that can cover the Clark ID. A compromise possibility between the two solutions: perhaps add the RSR: Mimicry limitation to the Shape Change power. Quote from: "Gary" You may want to add other effects for heat vision, like a transform to fuse materials together. It doesn't always just destroy stuff. Also, it should have the invisible power effects advantage, since other people generally can't see that he's using it. Ooooh! Forgot about that. Heat-Vision generally tends to be represented as this bright red laserbeam coming from his eyes, though maybe that's a liberty the artists take to show the power is working to the reader. Like, Magneto or Cosmic Boy's super-magnetism doesn't REALLY look like a bunch of concentric circles. Sometimes, though, I do wonder about this sort of thing. For example, the "energy fan" that surrounds Professor X's forehead when he uses Mind Powers; do his powers really look like that, or is that just a way of showing that he's using them? Quote from: "Gary" For Clark's answering machine, I assume you aren't talking about a standard "please leave a message after the beep" thing, which you shouldn't have to pay points for, but rather something that can fool callers into thinking that Clark is actually speaking to them. In this case I'd buy it as an AI with Mimicry skill. Yeah, it's a machine that automatically picks up the phone and is programmed to respond to any question. Showed up in SUPERMAN'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN #134 (1970), and probably elsewhere, I'm not sure. Good point, I really should design it that way, but I did the Variable Trigger enhancement as a way of being half-assed about it. Another case of me being half-assed: the Chess Playing Robot in the Fortress is only represented by the PS: Chess Skill and Penalty Levels; *really,* I ought to buy it as a Follower, but that sounds like more of a...hassle, and anyway all he does is play Chess with it, right? Not like it protects the Fortress or anything. (Hey, I just realized: that's one lousy, lazy robot!) Quote from: "Gary" Not sure if he should have either Oratory or Persuasion. Any persuasiveness he has (which is debatable anyway; how often does he manage to convince anyone of something?) can be attributed to his high presence and his super-reputation. I'm not sure Deduction is appropriate either -- he doesn't seem to do a lot of it. Hmmm, yeah, you're right, Persuasion really isn't necessary. Oratory, though? Didn't every single episode of the Superfriends cartoon end with Superman giving a bad speech? :lol: You come to expect that sort of behavior of him. Quote from: "Gary" Since "Heroic Code" is kind of vague, and overlaps with Code vs. Killing, I'd replace it with something more specific like "Obligation to protect humanity from all threats". Yeah, I was concerned about that. A more specific name for the psych lim would help it overlap less. Thanks for your comments, Gary! Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: dto on August 13, 2005, 11:57:54 AM Wow! I'm impressed, JulianPerez. I'm familiar with earlier editions of Champions, but I quickly got tired of all the character creation number-crunching.
Here's a couple comments: Would the Bottled City of Kandor count as a dependant? After the Bottled City of Kandor was enlarged on Rokyn, Superman had a spaceship in his Fortress so he could visit it (Rokyn's red sun affecting his superpowers). I suppose this could be added (and Kandor removed as a dependant) at some point later in Superman's Champions career. Superman robots were vulnerable to air pollution (which is why they were later retired) and sunspot activity. These could be added disadvantages. Should you also have the JLA (or at least Batman) as a contact? What about Supergirl? Too early (she hasn't arrived yet), contact or ally? Again, great work! Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Uncle Mxy on August 26, 2005, 12:09:47 PM FWIW, I think it makes more sense to play Silver/Bronze Age Superman as a GM's ''deus ex machina" within the Champions framework, rather than as a guy with a character sheet. The mechanics of the game tend to fall apart with the extremely powerful DC folks (e.g. a maximum of 12 SPD). And, how Supes is used for storytelling purposes is quite different than how he'd be used for role-playing purposes by a player. Limiting him to 90 active points per power helps establish parity with "typical" 250-500 point Champions folks to the point that he might be playable. But that limit just scratches the surface of what pre-Crisis Supes is capable of. 90 active points doesn't get you to igniting distant suns with heat vision.
That being said, it's a fine effort if you want to make it. You're missing the power stunt where he freezes someone into suspended animation, which goes a little beyond an Entangle. His heat vision was generally invisible. It wasn't until the 70s that those red beams coming out of Superman's eyes were something that could actually be seen by everyone (first noted in a battle with the Parasite, IIRC). He could also combine his heat and x-ray vision, though that was rarely shown because then you'd have to think about why he needed Kryptonian glasses (and, for that matter, what the frames were made out of, which would melt they weren't inertron or somesuch). The classic example was in Superman IV, where he heats a bird cooking in the stove without burning a hole through the stove or intervening wall. Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Uncle Mxy on August 27, 2005, 07:50:49 AM As for super-hypnosis, there's a couple aspects you need to think about:
1) It isn't always "verbal" in any direct sense. Superman's low-level hypnosis to make everyone think he's a Clark Kent with receding hairline didn't involve him consciously projecting that image, or tell people "make me look like I need Rogaine". While that's a lame storyline, similar examples apply. Folks always seem to fill in the super-hypnotic gaps in a way most convenient for Superman, with even less effort on his part than what is shown in, say, the Men In Black movies and the hypno flasher thingamadoo. 2) Self-hypnosis. Pre-Crisis Superman could hypnotize himself very powerfully, to forget certain events typically, and otherwise force his mind and body to do unnatural things when the plot device called for it. Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: lonewolf23k on August 31, 2005, 07:07:16 AM You know, considering the vast range of Classic Superman's powers, I'd think that a Variable Power Pool would almost certainly work for him..
Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Captain Kal on August 31, 2005, 09:31:22 AM DC Heroes RPG had a similar concept.
Superman could have a limited number of APs of Omnipower that could be directed to just about any power with the caveat that he paid the base cost of the power in APs as well. This worked for the Green Lantern RPG book. It might be further limited to physical and mental powers with none of the mystical ones in DCH RPG. Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: JulianPerez on August 31, 2005, 11:35:12 AM Quote from: "Uncle Mxy" FWIW, I think it makes more sense to play Silver/Bronze Age Superman as a GM's ''deus ex machina" within the Champions framework, rather than as a guy with a character sheet. The mechanics of the game tend to fall apart with the extremely powerful DC folks (e.g. a maximum of 12 SPD). How I chose to represent Superman's superspeed is detailed in the "About the Conversion" section, and IMHO, I think it is both more playable and more importantly, more accurate, than if he was given 50 SPD or something. Quote from: "Uncle Mxy" Limiting him to 90 active points per power helps establish parity with "typical" 250-500 point Champions folks to the point that he might be playable. But that limit just scratches the surface of what pre-Crisis Supes is capable of. 90 active points doesn't get you to igniting distant suns with heat vision. Even an EB by itself can't give you that sort of effect. Igniting distant suns would be a fairly powerful Transform instead of just an EB by itself (there's not a point where the book says, "Okay, if an attack does this much BODY, it can ignite a sun too"). The key to representing Superman that this sheet takes is that just buying things in gigantic bulk doesn't accurately represent Superman; this is why other character sheets I've seen of him are both unplayable and rather sloppy; he has a wide breadth of ability that isn't shown. To represent his limitless strength, for instance, I bought extra STR past the 90 Active Points with the Does No Damage and No Figured Characteristics enhancements. Quote from: "Uncle Mxy" That being said, it's a fine effort if you want to make it. You're missing the power stunt where he freezes someone into suspended animation, which goes a little beyond an Entangle. Ooooh! Forgot about that one. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, UncleMxy. Quote from: "Uncle Mxy" 2) Self-hypnosis. Pre-Crisis Superman could hypnotize himself very powerfully, to forget certain events typically, and otherwise force his mind and body to do unnatural things when the plot device called for it. I bought him Simulate Death and other Talents that partially represent this. Here are some ways to handle this sort of thing: 1) Shape Change with the Mental Group; 2) Allowing Superman's Super-Hypnotism Transform to work on himself. Normally, this isn't allowed, but may be justified as a part of the "special effect" that the hypnosis comes from his eyes. Yes, it can be blocked or deflected by mirrors, but he can use a mirror to hypnotize himself. Also as a disadvantage to the special effect, he can be hypnotized into hypnotizing himself (don't think about it too hard, your brain will pop like a grape). Quote from: "lonewolf23k" You know, considering the vast range of Classic Superman's powers, I'd think that a Variable Power Pool would almost certainly work for him.. Others may feel differently, but I've always thought that in a representation of a fictional character, that something like an Omni-Power or a VPP is kind of a cheat; that is, instead of going to the trouble of figuring out what the character can do and has done in the past, it says, "okay, here's a bunch of points, now leave me the hell alone." Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Uncle Mxy on August 31, 2005, 12:45:54 PM Quote from: "JulianPerez" Quote from: "Uncle Mxy" FWIW, I think it makes more sense to play Silver/Bronze Age Superman as a GM's ''deus ex machina" within the Champions framework, rather than as a guy with a character sheet. The mechanics of the game tend to fall apart with the extremely powerful DC folks (e.g. a maximum of 12 SPD). How I chose to represent Superman's superspeed is detailed in the "About the Conversion" section, and IMHO, I think it is both more playable and more importantly, more accurate, than if he was given 50 SPD or something. Understood. I'm referring more to the mechanics of the game as a whole. IMO, Champions is useful for a certain range of super ability. It's not terribly good at either the low-end (a little above human norms) or the high end (pre-Crisis Superman, Dr. Manhattan, The Spectre, etc). Quote Quote from: "Uncle Mxy" Limiting him to 90 active points per power helps establish parity with "typical" 250-500 point Champions folks to the point that he might be playable. But that limit just scratches the surface of what pre-Crisis Supes is capable of. 90 active points doesn't get you to igniting distant suns with heat vision. Even an EB by itself can't give you that sort of effect. Igniting distant suns would be a fairly powerful Transform instead of just an EB by itself (there's not a point where the book says, "Okay, if an attack does this much BODY, it can ignite a sun too"). In that case, the Sun (if it were a character) would have the Transform or Absorption or whatnot, conditional upon having massive amounts of heat pointed at it. Supes would be generating the heat. His eyes may emit heat vision, but not the gas and dust that's needed to make a sun, or even a Great Wall of China. :) Quote Others may feel differently, but I've always thought that in a representation of a fictional character, that something like an Omni-Power or a VPP is kind of a cheat; that is, instead of going to the trouble of figuring out what the character can do and has done in the past, it says, "okay, here's a bunch of points, now leave me the hell alone." Past a certain point, VPPs can simply be more economical from a "points" perspective. If you're spending more for MP slots than it would cost for a VPP, then you're probably wasting points. This doens't mean that you can't break out typical ways in which the VPP will be allocated, but it leaves the door open for new stunts or rationalizations. Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: RedSunOfKrypton on August 31, 2005, 07:30:48 PM Quote pop like a grape Mmmmm, grape pop, thanks a lot Julian, now I have to go to the store. :P Half on topic, I made Superman for GURPS once, he was way overpowered for the people I was playing with (even though I did weaken him significantly, think golden age with some tweaks) so he never got used. Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: JulianPerez on September 01, 2005, 01:28:54 AM Quote from: "Captain Kal" DC Heroes RPG had a similar concept. Superman could have a limited number of APs of Omnipower that could be directed to just about any power with the caveat that he paid the base cost of the power in APs as well. This worked for the Green Lantern RPG book. It might be further limited to physical and mental powers with none of the mystical ones in DCH RPG. If you have the Green Lantern Corps sourcebook for DC Heroes, I'm officially totally jealous of you right now. I've been looking for that thing for years and years. Omni-Gadgets may work for characters like Green Arrow that somehow always manage to have just the right trick arrow for the situation (and has tons of gadget arrows that he never uses again) and Omni-Powers for Green Lantern, who has used his power ring at various points to shrink to tiny size, teleport, cure diseases, and make binoculars that let him see halfway around a planet. But Superman? Superman has several set powers. In many ways, the Mayfair DC Heroes represented the character best (though note that his character sheet in that game, at least the '86 version I own, leaves off his sonic shout and super-scent powers - tsk, tsk). The DC Heroes system was in many ways, well-designed for the type of gaming superpowers involved. If Superman wants to rub his hands together to create a static electricity lightning bolt, in DC Heroes he can check his Superspeed power against the Universal Modifiers Table for the OV/RV (Herculean in this instance, so 12 to both), and the RAPs would be his APs in the Lightning power just for his turn. Any possible permutation of powers found in Superman's comics, from rubbing his hands to cause the Daily Planet globe to become a supermagnet, to him using his strength to punch the ground and make an earthquake, would be represented in this way. I don't see why Superman needs an Omni-Power. Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: SteamTeck on October 02, 2005, 10:10:53 PM Here's a site that made a shot at writing up lots and lots of heroes. It has both classic and golden age Superman
http://www.mactyre.net/scm/deejay/champs/writeups.html Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Uncle Mxy on October 03, 2005, 08:19:13 AM Quote from: "SteamTeck" Here's a site that made a shot at writing up lots and lots of heroes. It has both classic and golden age Superman http://www.mactyre.net/scm/deejay/champs/writeups.html For Golden Age Superman, the best part is this Disadvantage: 3340 Galactically stupid (never uses full power, ever) Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Captain Kal on October 03, 2005, 09:58:52 AM :lol:
Yeah, galactically stupid is funny and sad 'cause it's true about Superman! BTW, does anyone know how those Champions stats translate into real world stats? I know how DCH RPG does but I'm pretty sure that translation doesn't apply here. Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Gary on October 03, 2005, 12:00:41 PM Quote from: "Captain Kal" Yeah, galactically stupid is funny and sad 'cause it's true about Superman! I think it's more a reflection of the difference between stories and games. In the latter, a player is naturally going to want to know exactly what his/her character can do and use those capabilities to their limit -- unless the game is so unchallenging that the player can win easily without using those capabilities. Quote from: "Captain Kal" BTW, does anyone know how those Champions stats translate into real world stats? I know how DCH RPG does but I'm pretty sure that translation doesn't apply here. Generally for base stats (STR through COM), 10 is an average human, 11-20 is good but still considered normal. Persons with very extensive training but still normal human physiology might get up to 40. For figured stats, an average person might have PD 2, ED 2, SPD 2, REC 4, END 20, STUN 20. Again, someone who's good but still "normal" could have up to twice the average values, and someone who's abnormally good but still human could have up to 4x them. As far as the actual interpretation of the numbers, the general idea with most of them is that every +5 points makes the stat twice as effective, whatever that means for the particular stat. A person with a 10 STR, if I remember right, can lift 100 kg, whereas someone with a 15 STR can lift 200 kg, and so on. There are exceptions; twice as much STUN or BODY means it takes twice as many hits to knock you out or kill you (respectively) and that doesn't go up exponentially. SPD gives the number of attacks or full movements you can make in a game turn (theoretically twelve seconds, but can include infinite amounts of dialogue time), which also goes up linearly. Not sure whether any of this answers your question. Oh well. Disclaimer: My knowledge of Hero/Champions only extends as far as the fourth edition (the "big blue book"). Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Captain Kal on October 03, 2005, 12:16:35 PM Thanks, Gary. That's the sort of thing I was looking for, both game mechanics of how the stats compare with each other (which tends to be a logarithmic scale) and translations into real world abilities.
Does a site exist which explains these Champion game mechanics in detail? I'm curious about what the reflex and intelligence scores mean in the real world, for example. Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Gary on October 03, 2005, 12:56:09 PM Not that I know of. You could try Googling for it, of course. But most likely you would have to get the game rules for this, and game designers are unlikely to let this appear on the web for free when their livliehoods depend on getting people to pay them for it.
Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: JulianPerez on October 03, 2005, 04:30:55 PM Quote from: "Captain Kal" :lol: Yeah, galactically stupid is funny and sad 'cause it's true about Superman! Let's not get into THAT again! :D Quote from: "Captain Kal" BTW, does anyone know how those Champions stats translate into real world stats? I know how DCH RPG does but I'm pretty sure that translation doesn't apply here. I believe 1,530 or so hexes per turn = speed of sound or so. Let me get back to you so I can provide a more complete answer. For one power, the answer is simple. The power I found easiest to build was FTL Travel, because it has a concrete, non-game meaning for what it measures: 10 Active Points = Lightspeed, and every 2 Active Points is twice that. Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Captain Kal on October 03, 2005, 04:44:26 PM Much thanks now and in advance, Julian.
:D BTW, don't go missing like that again. Super Monkey and Great Rao: Where are those leg irons we were going to trap Julian here with? j/k Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: SteamTeck on October 06, 2005, 09:07:30 PM Quote from: "Captain Kal" :lol: Yeah, galactically stupid is funny and sad 'cause it's true about Superman! BTW, does anyone know how those Champions stats translate into real world stats? I know how DCH RPG does but I'm pretty sure that translation doesn't apply here. Strength works like this. St 10 can lift 100 kilograms. Then it doubles every 5 points so at about st 60 you can lift 100 tons. A ST of 100 allows to lift 25 kilotons and so on. The other stats are kind of subjective but assumed to be in the same vague scale. Here's a link to their site. http://www.herogames.com/ Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Captain Kal on October 07, 2005, 11:48:31 AM Thanks very much, SteamTeck.
Now, time to feed on the info on that link ... *chomp* Title: Re: "Classic" Superman in Hero System/Champions Post by: Uncle Mxy on October 15, 2005, 10:20:10 AM One other power that might be worth mentioning:
There's a comic where Superman and Supergirl combine their x-ray vision to transmute elements. A big Kryptonite meteor was in a cave. They found a gold vein, melted it around the K, then transmuted it into lead (because gold just isn't dense enough :) ). Anyone know which issue I'm talking about? I read about this a long time ago, and saw a reference by someone else to the story which jogged my memory. |