Title: Superman's best writer Post by: Genis Vell on June 17, 2005, 03:18:08 AM We have decided the best artist (but you can still vote), now let's see who is the best writer!
You can see Weisinger in the list... He wasn't a regular writer, but his influence as an editor is too important for not being mentioned. It's hard make a list with only 7 writers, so this time I have added the option "others" (of course, if you chose it, say who is your choice!). Byrne is my favorite complete author and for me his Superman is #1, but this time I'll not vote for him. My vote is for Mr. Maggin, the one who made a modern Superman in the '70/80s (alongside good writers like Bates, Conway and Wolfman). Title: Re: Superman's best writer Post by: nightwing on June 17, 2005, 08:45:11 AM D'oh! You left off my favorite from this list, too! :lol:
Edmond Hamilton. But of the ones on the list, Jerry Seigel. At least during his tenure under Uncle Morty. Title: Re: Superman's best writer Post by: Gary on June 17, 2005, 10:00:07 AM Karl Kesel.
Title: Re: Superman's best writer Post by: Genis Vell on June 17, 2005, 10:22:47 AM Note: if I could add other names, there would be Jeph Loeb.
Title: Re: Superman's best writer Post by: TELLE on June 17, 2005, 06:25:40 PM I would add Edmund Hamilton as well but Seigel has so many things to recommend him --great Legion stories, great Supergirl stories, etc.
Title: Re: Superman's best writer Post by: NotSuper on June 18, 2005, 03:03:26 AM I voted for Maggin. I'd really love to see him write Superman again.
Title: Re: Superman's best writer Post by: Super Monkey on June 18, 2005, 11:08:53 AM Quote from: "NotSuper" I voted for Maggin. I'd really love to see him write Superman again. He would be my pick for the next writer for All-Star Superman 8) Title: Re: Superman's best writer Post by: Gangbuster on June 19, 2005, 12:11:03 AM Maggin and Siegel. But had to go with Maggin nevertheless.
Title: Re: Superman's best writer Post by: Mart on June 21, 2005, 05:35:59 PM Interesting poll - I vote Martin Pasko, for bringing a real maturity to the Lois and Clark relationship.
Title: Re: Superman's best writer Post by: Genis Vell on June 22, 2005, 05:50:00 AM Quote from: "Mart" Interesting poll - I vote Martin Pasko, for bringing a real maturity to the Lois and Clark relationship. The Amalak saga!!! The conclusion was very sad... Title: Re: Superman's best writer Post by: lastkryptonianhere on June 23, 2005, 06:37:52 PM I voted for Cary Bates whose stories always entertained me over all the years when he was the main Superman writer.