Title: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: Maximara on May 19, 2005, 07:37:26 PM I remember a Silver-Bronze Age Superman book where Vandal Savage (then an Earth-2 character) came to Earth-1 and set himself up as some sort of savior of humanity. He even created his own Superman robots. WHen Superman found out who created these robots he over reacts and destroyes them in front of the media saying 'If they are your creations then they are as evil and twisted as you' while Vandal is playing the wronged victim to the hilt.
Superman then get even more egg on his face when the media tried to research of the claims Superman about Vandel and can find nothing supporting the caiims (since Vandel's crimes were all commited on Earth-2). Vandal gets cocky and Superman finally tricks him into reavaling his plans to the media. Anybody know what comic and issue #s this appeared in? Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: Super Monkey on May 19, 2005, 10:12:22 PM (http://www.comics.org/graphics/covers/97/400/97_4_0000542.jpg)
This one? Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: lastkryptonianhere on May 19, 2005, 10:20:51 PM If memory serves me I do believe that Marv Wolfman Vandal Savage from this storyline as the model he would later basis the updated Lex Luthor.
Personally I like the Savage on Earth 1 stories from this era - great twist on the immortal Vandal Savage who Superman and the JLA know is a super villian but the world at large has no idea. Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: Maximara on May 20, 2005, 08:05:08 AM Quote from: "lastkryptonianhere" If memory serves me I do believe that Marv Wolfman Vandal Savage from this storyline as the model he would later basis the updated Lex Luthor. Personally I like the Savage on Earth 1 stories from this era - great twist on the immortal Vandal Savage who Superman and the JLA know is a super villian but the world at large has no idea. Which at times makes fighting the guy a real headache. Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: Genis Vell on May 23, 2005, 05:52:41 AM I have AC # 542, but I don't know how this storyline ends...
Great and hystorical issue: Superman leaves Lois and, after a brief time, begins to dating with Lana as Clark. Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: Gernot on May 25, 2005, 07:29:50 AM Heh. I remember reading this issue at a supermarket (!) back in January 1983, and walking away VERY depressed.
Superman and Lois broke up. An Earth-2 villian came to Earth-1 and managed to make a fool of Superman. I didn't read the whole series until the early '90's, but it ended in 1984 (right after they'd pretty much quit multi-part stories--this was about the only hold-over). Batman and Robin were called in and helped Superman out in the final chapter. Vandal Savage escaped to parts unknown, but the world had learned of his true nature first. Fun story, overall. ;) Gernot... Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: SteamTeck on May 26, 2005, 07:59:03 AM I always likes the old Vandal Savage stories. he seemed more like a guy 1000's of years old who really had tons of experience back then. Such a smooth operator.
Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: Genis Vell on May 26, 2005, 12:33:01 PM Quote from: "Gernot" I didn't read the whole series until the early '90's, but it ended in 1984 (right after they'd pretty much quit multi-part stories--this was about the only hold-over). Batman and Robin were called in and helped Superman out in the final chapter. Vandal Savage escaped to parts unknown, but the world had learned of his true nature first. Thank you. I'll buy these issues, someday. Obviously they're unpublished in Italy... Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: Captain Kal on May 26, 2005, 01:43:26 PM I remember a Justice Society of America modern story with the Earth-2 Superman and Vandal Savage. Savage's supposed immortality was fading so he conspired to steal Kal-L's super-lifeforce to restore it. Despite the evident aging of this Superman, the implication was he was immortal.
Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: SteamTeck on May 27, 2005, 07:57:10 AM I remember that story. It's of my favorites. I read with my 8 year old again a few months ago. Vandal had them traveling through time and it ended up in a hand to hand fight with Supes using energy he was leeching from Power Girl ( the real Power Girl not the confused present inposter.)
Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: Gernot on May 27, 2005, 08:02:09 AM That story had INCREDIBLE artwork by Wally Wood, too! (One of my favorite MAD artists!)
I think that two-parter was his last JSA work (his last DC job?). Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: Captain Kal on May 27, 2005, 01:51:48 PM Quote from: "SteamTeck" I remember that story. It's of my favorites. I read with my 8 year old again a few months ago. Vandal had them traveling through time and it ended up in a hand to hand fight with Supes using energy he was leeching from Power Girl ( the real Power Girl not the confused present inposter.) Got that right, SteamTeck. Not only was Savage cheating by using Power Girl to power himself, but the planet he set up the fight on had a kryptonite sun which was depowering and killing Superman. Vandal took every advantage he could. If the JSA hadn't freed Power Girl and Star-Spangled Kid hadn't whipped up a protective suit from the K-radiation, Kal-L would've been soundly defeated and dead. Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: SteamTeck on May 27, 2005, 07:48:45 PM Dang! Those were great stories! modern stuff for all it's "serious " nature just doesn't measure up IMO.
Title: Re: Superman vs Vandal Savage Post by: Gernot on May 27, 2005, 07:52:57 PM That was from the time when superheroes could be SERIOUS, without being GRIM.