Title: Batman vs superman Post by: neogenesses on May 16, 2005, 05:35:17 PM ok i have a question who is better superman or batman. Can i get a really detailed list of how which is better.
Title: Re: Batman vs superman Post by: Super Monkey on May 16, 2005, 08:12:13 PM what do you think?
Title: Re: Batman vs superman Post by: Spaceman Spiff on May 16, 2005, 11:35:54 PM Superman is better at flying, looking through walls, and stopping meteors from flattening Metropolis.
Batman is better at swinging on a rope, driving the Batmobile, and figuring out the Riddler's riddles. :lol: In other words, they're both pretty cool! Title: Re: Batman vs superman Post by: Maximara on May 17, 2005, 07:43:04 AM Quote from: "neogenesses" ok i have a question who is better superman or batman. Can i get a really detailed list of how which is better. This is really a useless question. :roll: Each has certain things they are good at but they step off of those areas they are kind of useless. Also how good they are varies on the writer and the period (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron) you are dealing with. For example for much of the Silver Age Superman could not analyze his way out of a paper bag. For example in the silver age he knew Luthor had made an antidote but when he did his research he goes through over 1000 experiments and then stupidly deduces there is no antidote. In the Bronze age Superman got much better in this regard and finally started to think about things rather than just blinding rushing in as he had during the Silver Age. Title: Re: Batman vs superman Post by: nightwing on May 17, 2005, 08:30:35 AM And now that we're in the modern age, he's a moron again. :D
Really, when it comes to comic book fans, a smarter character isn't necessarily "better." Wolverine won't be making it into Mensa any time soon, and he's wildly popular. The Hulk has been a huge fan favorite for decades and he's got barely enough brain function to maintain bladder control. Anyway, "better" is always a matter of taste. I've never understood why fans feel a compulsion to build their own favorites up by tearing every other character down. Superman is great for what he is, Batman is great for what he is (though both are mishandled lately). Title: Re: Batman vs superman Post by: Just a fan on May 17, 2005, 10:01:59 AM LOL I think this has been debated ever since they were introduced and it will never be settled. We all have our favorites and reasons why.
Title: Re: Batman vs superman Post by: The Starchild on May 17, 2005, 11:07:14 AM Quote who is better superman or batman. They are both better. Title: Re: Batman vs superman Post by: Bill 9000 on May 17, 2005, 01:38:19 PM I think Nightwing's nailed this one right on the head. Neither character is "better" than the other, unless you boil it down to a matter of personal pereference. For example, my preference is for Superman, but is he actually a "better" character than Batman? No. The reverse is just as true. And I also agree that both have been handled stupidly of late. But I got my first look at Batman: Dark Detective and it was like a breath of fresh air.
Title: Re: Batman vs superman Post by: Chris Mortimore on May 17, 2005, 03:17:16 PM This is like asking whether you prefer eating or drinking. They both have different reasons for making us feel better.
In Batman and Supermans case: Superman is a hero, in many ways the hero. He's the one most look up to as something to strive for. His strength of character and assurance of what he believes as right and wrong define him. Batman is a symbol of what people can become if they really work hard. Not the obsessive side of his personality but his dedication to his goals and his skill in various fields. He's a detective and a warrior. Title: Re: Batman vs superman Post by: lastkryptonianhere on June 01, 2005, 08:58:50 PM Superman wasn't the first mystery or action hero there were a few before (such as the Crimson Avenger, and Doc Savage, etc.) but Superman was THE major influence on all the other characters that appeared after Action Comics #1 in 1938.
Like the Rose Bowl - Superman is the Grand daddy of them all. Title: Re: Batman vs superman Post by: TELLE on June 02, 2005, 02:39:59 AM I would have to say that Wonder Woman is better!