Title: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: jgiannantoni05 on May 09, 2005, 07:49:54 PM I have one big question about this website. I've noticed nothing about Post-Crisis Superman is on this site. Why? Does the site founder not like Post-Crisis Superman?
I myself prefer the Post-Crisis Superman continuity, though I do enjoy a little Pre-Crisis stuff. And I love Superman: The Movie. Sure they're have been some rought spots in the Post-Crisis, but overall its been a lot more coherent and less silly. I love Post-Crisis Lex particularly. I did not like Birthright, I thought it was a travesty. Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: Super Monkey on May 09, 2005, 08:24:01 PM Because this is a Pre-Crisis Site (the only post-crisis comics here refer to the Pre-crisis on some level), if you like the Post-Crisis version better you can just go to the DC boards which has a large number of Post-Crisis fans. If someone is a pre-crisis fan they come here. If someone likes both but still like the pre-crisis version better and would like to talk about the pre-crisis version then this is the place for them. This is a place for Pre-Crisis fans to discuss the Superman that they love.
To find out why this site was created and what it is all about, please go here and read this: https://www.supermanthroughtheages.com/X/ Thank you, -SM Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: jgiannantoni05 on May 09, 2005, 08:47:18 PM Thanks for the link to the mission statement. I didn't see that.
What about you Super Monkey, do you just like Pre-Crisis or like both but prefer Pre? Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: Super Monkey on May 09, 2005, 11:00:26 PM I really only like the Pre-Crisis Superman comics. There are only a few post-crisis Superman comics (very few) that I like but even they are not as fun as the old stuff.
Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: Klar Ken T5477 on May 10, 2005, 12:12:15 AM Even Alan Moore loves Pre-Crisis - his recent Supreme TPBs are virual love ltters to pre-crisis mythos and a reminder of how comics can be fun and mythological without diminishing the deeper characterizations.
Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: Great Rao on May 10, 2005, 01:59:56 PM Short answer as to why no post-crisis:
When I started the site, it was to correct the fact that all the other superman sites at the time were post-crisis only. So I was covering what they didn't. :s: Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: jgiannantoni05 on May 11, 2005, 08:55:32 AM I see Great Rao, thanks for the response.
I think it would make your site even better if someday you have a Post-Crisis mini-section or something. Because while their is some good Post-Crisis coverage out there, alot of people still go uneducated about it also, thanks to poor info or lack of info. Plus, it would be nifty if you could get great Pre and Post-Crisis info all on one site, instead of going to many different sites. As you correctly noted, sites only cover one or the other adequately, and most cover Post. Through the Ages, Superman has had a Pre and Post-Crisis existence, and maybe both could be covered all on one site. Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: Johnny Nevada on May 11, 2005, 10:51:04 AM While I liked some post-crisis stuff, I too prefer Superman's pre-Crisis self (don't care for stuff like Clark as a jock in high school, Clark sent to Earth as a fetus, the "death penalty for the PZ crooks" thing, plus I liked the old Superboy [the new one's OK, but not the same...]).
For post-Crisis info, the (somewhat plainly named) "Superman Homepage" strikes me as the just-as-thorough counterpart to this website---it has tons of info, FAQs, etc. with a mainly-post-Crisis (though with a few reviews of old pre-Crisis comics) slant. Both that site and this one used together would easily cover all of Superman's existence/history, IMO. (IIRC, someone from that site once asked on here to write said pre-Crisis reviews, yes?). The Superman Homepage's website is here: http://www.supermanhomepage.com/news.php Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: Super Monkey on May 11, 2005, 12:52:46 PM Quote from: "jgiannantoni05" I see Great Rao, thanks for the response. I think it would make your site even better if someday you have a Post-Crisis mini-section or something. Because while their is some good Post-Crisis coverage out there, alot of people still go uneducated about it also, thanks to poor info or lack of info. Plus, it would be nifty if you could get great Pre and Post-Crisis info all on one site, instead of going to many different sites. As you correctly noted, sites only cover one or the other adequately, and most cover Post. Through the Ages, Superman has had a Pre and Post-Crisis existence, and maybe both could be covered all on one site. No matter how great this site is, it is still a personal fan site. It was never meant to cover anything and everything Superman, just the good stuff :) The part about people going uneducated about the post-crisis Superman, they can just go to any bookstore or comic shop and get caught up quick with any guides. There are also tons of post-crisis Superman sites and of course DC Comics very own site. IMHO, http://www.supermanhomepage.com is the best site for Post-Crisis Superman, everything anyone needs to know can be found or will be found there. BTW, The ages refer to the Golden, Sliver and Bronze ages. Not the non-cannonical :wink: Iron, Dark ages etc,. Since those deal with a different character who also goes by the name of Superman :D Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: Great Rao on May 11, 2005, 03:18:40 PM Quote from: "Super Monkey" Not the non-cannonical :wink: Iron, Dark ages etc,. Since those deal with a different character who also goes by the name of Superman :D All hail Beppo for telling it like it is! :hail: :s: Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: MatterEaterLad on May 21, 2005, 12:29:27 AM Quote from: "jgiannantoni05" Sure they're have been some rought spots in the Post-Crisis, but overall its been a lot more coherent and less silly. I love Post-Crisis Lex particularly. I did not like Birthright, I thought it was a travesty. Silly is in the mind of the beholder...to some people, "a man who came from the sky and did only good" is an extremely important paradigm...and coherence from 1938 to 1985 is a lot harder to pull off than you can imagine...I love the Crisis itself (even though it happened 13 years after I stopped reading comics) because it tried to wrap up the coherence (if even unsuccesfully)... As to why the Silver Age has its fans (and fans who are avidly disinterested in post crisis angst), well, to me, "you just had to be there"... 8) Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: Maximara on May 21, 2005, 06:05:15 AM Quote from: "Super Monkey" BTW, The ages refer to the Golden, Sliver and Bronze ages. Not the non-cannonical :wink: Iron, Dark ages etc,. Since those deal with a different character who also goes by the name of Superman :D Well technically 'Bronze age' when it first appeared refered to the 'modern' horror comic revival in the early-mid 1960's as seen in such Gold Key comics as Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery (1963), Ripley's Believe it or not! True Ghost Stories (1965), and Ripley's Believe It or not! True Demons and Monsters (1965). It got "non-cannonal" extended to Superhero comics from roughly 1970 on as these definitly took a different tack from the Silver Age. Also there are questions about what to call comics before 1938 as we now know the media goes back as far as 1837 with the first graphic novel coming out in 1847. Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: Gernot on May 25, 2005, 08:25:15 AM I always thought comics pre-1938 were called "The Platinum Age" and after Action #1 was "The Golden Age."
Gernot... Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: Kal-L on November 11, 2005, 10:30:44 AM I am glad this site does exist. I too prefer pre-Crisis Superman and all the other DC characters. I don’t say all post crisis is bad, I have enjoyed some cycles like this of the death and rebirth of Superman. But in general, I find the stories that are published today often look like mangas (and I hate mangas), I don’t like at all Ed Mc Guiness, he has twisted the character’s wit. Moreover, very often, the scripts are so much sophisticated it is hard to understand what is going on. For instance, I have been very much disappointed with the cross over “Our Worlds at War”, not only this cross over, but also the most part of post crisis Dc stories of today; most often, I don’t understand where the authors are driving at (flash back, introspection etc), and the stories become incomprehensible.
So, before crisis, stories were told in a simple, but at least, comprehensible way, there were a beginning, a middle and an end, so today, we never know where the beginning or the end are. Yes, I am really nostalgic of pre crisis DC. I liked the time when there were earth 1, 2, prime, S etc… as I mention earth S, I take advantage to put another post crisis flaw in evidence; before crisis, Cpt Marvel was the world's mightiest mortal, at the time, it made sense because Cpt Marvel was the only one super hero of his earth (not to mention Cpt Marvel Jr, Mary Marvel etc). But today, now Crisis happened and all the earths have merged into a single one, to tell Cpt Marvel is the world's mightiest mortal doesn’t make sense anymore, since he shares the world with plenty of super beings like him. I am not basically an anti-Crisis militant, I think Crisis has been a good idea, but it brought more continuity problems than it solved. Moreover, with “Zero Hour”, “Our Worlds at War” and now “Identity Crisis”, DC has issued too much crossovers supposed to revolutionize its universe. I’d like (it’s but a dream that’ll never come true) DC to “un-crisis”. BTW, for those who like Cpt marvel, the long time Superman rival, here is a very interesting site on this character: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~scunge/shazam/ Title: Re: Why no Post-Crisis on this site? Post by: celacanto on February 03, 2006, 09:58:32 PM Well oh, ok great question. and i have a story to tell about my comics evolution.
When i started reading superhero comics in the early 80´s. They were mostly marvel comics first because DC edition in my country was really a mess, and second because i found Dc characters more stupid, more for kids or something like that. that was a prejudice which lastet till the 90´s. on those day marvel universe was a mess with all those stupid multiples series and dark grtitty charcter so i began to read Dc comics. mostly post crisis comics: K. Giffen JLI and Paul Levitz Legión, M.Waid Flash, Morrison Doom patrol and a lot of vertigo stuff. I discover post crisis comics and really understand that i was understimating DC characters. untill today. I l read more Dc stuff than marvel. and im proud of it. And what happened to pre-crisis comics? well i started to read some clasical and good stuff and they were great. but honestly about everyday comics i fell in love with precrisis superman world. But i made the road in the opposite way. first i read post crisis superman, but never liked the character. because he was so super so great. But that doesnt happent when i read pre crisi comics because here all its fantasy and imagination. the legión, the red blue superman, those wonderfull imaginary stories. they dont have any continuty but doesnt need it. tehy are just wonderfull. I really miss start reading those comics as a child :lol: |