Title: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: Great Rao on March 10, 2005, 09:45:06 PM Proudly presenting Superboy in...
"The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" (https://www.supermanthroughtheages.com/tales4/super-teacher/) :s: Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: ShinDangaioh on March 10, 2005, 09:55:09 PM Poor Lana :broke:
At any rate, the next story I'd like to see is the one where Superboy gets amnesia from fiddling around with Green K and a lighting rod during the middle of a storm. It's another one where Superboy plays head games with Lana Lang Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: Bill 9000 on March 10, 2005, 10:43:40 PM Cool! Much better than Post-Crisis crap! I gotta start scannin' some of my old Superman comics and sending them in!
Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: Super Monkey on March 10, 2005, 11:04:19 PM How cool is that robot design? Awesome, that needs to be an action figure! At least an entry ;)
Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: Just a fan on March 11, 2005, 07:48:33 AM Great story, I noticed that the female students were wearing head-bands, I thought that only the men wore those.
Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: dto on March 11, 2005, 11:36:27 AM Quote from: "Just a fan" Great story, I noticed that the female students were wearing head-bands, I thought that only the men wore those. Kryptonian women didn't wear headbands everyday like the males. However, on certain occasions they wore special headbands -- all Kandorians wore black headbands on the anniversary of Krypton's demise, for instance. That's why DC objected when the Supergirl movie producers wanted a headband for Kara's costume. This movie design ultimately became the "Crisis" outfit, and there were several panels in the Supergirl comic book where Kara justified her breaking of a wardrobe taboo. And then after all of DC's explanations, the movie producers decided on another costume for Helen Slater. :roll: But note that these are female STUDENTS -- perhaps these headbands are used to assist the learning process by imparting information directly into the brain in conjunction with the ongoing lecture? We know Kryptonians also learned through similar mechanical means. Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: Gary on March 11, 2005, 12:16:29 PM Or maybe it was a new trend among the young people there, for women to wear men's headgear, breaking a taboo for the sake of collectively annoying/confusing their parents. If Krypton's college students were anything like those in the present-day US.... :D
Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: Daybreaker on March 12, 2005, 03:58:22 PM Y'know, there's a story there, about Kryptonian women giving up their traditional roles in Kryptonian society. Would it be somehow wrong for Krypton to ever experience any social change?
Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: VanZee on March 13, 2005, 02:39:29 AM Odd story. The teacher didn't teach the student a doggone thing the student didn't already know and caused a lot of Mxy-like trouble in the process. Not much of a payoff in this "morality play," but still a fun read.
Funny that lonely Superboy would allow this piece of property, with direct knowledge of and unlimited information on his family and his home world to fly off elsewhere. Super-Teacher is almost like a lost uncle. What a trophy for the Fortress! Does anyone know if this character ever returned in later stories? Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: ShinDangaioh on March 13, 2005, 06:10:08 AM Yes. To test Supergirl
As to being a piece in the Fortress, Superboy didn't have build it yet. Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: dto on March 13, 2005, 12:52:03 PM Please don't flame me for this, but the thought just occurred to me. Is it possible that this robot teacher wasa partial inspiration for the Post-Reboot Eradiacator? I never cared for this "character", but the Eradiacator also possessed the knowledge, traditions and lore of "his" Krypton.
Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: Aldous on March 13, 2005, 06:04:36 PM Quote from: "VanZee" Does anyone know if this character ever returned in later stories? Yes. Super-Teacher returned to test Superboy again. This time Superboy was much older and on the verge of becoming Superman. It's a really good story. I think it first appeared in DC Super-Stars #12 (1977). The teacher manipulates Superboy into a murderous rage. Superboy completely loses his temper and wants to kill. Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: Chris Mortimore on April 10, 2005, 07:35:59 AM How many inventions did Jor-el make before Krypton was destroyed?
It seems like he had a long time between discovering Krypton was going to explode and when it finally did. In that time he sent out several prototype ships. Built a robot teacher for his son that would somehow know about superpowers and how to use them. Started work on a space ark to save the Kryptonians which was taken away with Kandor. Anybody know how long he had to accomplish all of this? Title: Re: "The SUPER-TEACHER from KRYPTON!" Post by: Bill 9000 on April 10, 2005, 09:59:54 AM This might help you. It's the World of Krypton (https://www.supermanthroughtheages.com/tales2/world/1/), the story of Superman's father Jor-El.